Rule* of the South Carolina Society
established at Charleston A,D, 1736,
Thirteenth edition, 1889.
lAlii^w ^^ife
A. D. 173C.
Cli.aiX?1:3ex'ecL IVIjIi. jyCa^sr, IVSl,
REVISED 23rd APRIL, 1889.
iUOA.a & Richardson, Book and Job I'htnters,
Introduction 5 to 12
Preface 13 to 17
Summary of Acts of Incori-oration 18
Charter and Acts 19 to 24
Schedules of Property 25 to 30
Rules 31 to 46
List of Members 47 to 88
List of Officers 89
When any Institution, founded on the principles of public
utility, has arrived to such a degree of perfection as to be exten-
sively beneficial, mankind are generally inclined to know its
origin and through what means it attained its prosperity: And
as the South Carolina Society is, and has been for some time,
in that flourishing condition, notwithstanding its charity extends
to many objects, and in various ways far beyond its first inten-
tion it is a matter worthy of attention, to trace from the best
information that can now be had, from what small beginnings it
gradually attained its present importance. But this cannot be
done with such exactness as may be desired, on account of the
death of its earliest promoters, and because the first minutes and
journals, to April, 173S, were consumed in the great fire of
Charlestown in 1740.
Several refugees and their descendants, members of the French
Protestant Congregation of Charlestown, having among them an
individual who was in low circumstances, and had opened a small
tavern in order to maintain himself and family, agreed to meet
at his house whenever the}' had any business to transact, and to
spend an evening or two there every week, purely to assist him.
Thoy were then generally called the French Club. As their sole
motive was charity, they, after a short time, agreed each to
contribute fifteen pence at every meeting towards raising a fund
for the relief of any others of their members who might stand
in need of support, and from that circumstance the Society
derived the appellation of the Two-Bit Club.* This happened
about the end of the year 1736, or beginning of 1737, and having
fixed on every Tuesday for tlieir weekly meeting, limiting their
expenses to two shillings and sixpence currency,! and their
contributions to one shilling and three pence* per week, they
♦Four pence passed for two bits, and amounted to fifteen pence of the then
ciin-ency— eqvial to three cents and seven mills.
+ Equal to seven cents and four mills— or four bits.
♦Equal to three cents and seven mills — or two bits.
apj)ointed one of tlieir number Steward, to collect and take care
of the stock, and keep a regular account thereof.
After this association had continued for some time, several
persons who had a knowledge of the French tongue became
members, that they might improve themselves in that language,,
no other being yet allowed to be spoken in the Society, and as
debates would sometimes naturally arise, they found it necessary
to have a presiding officer and two constables; but their number
being small, it was agreed that their Steward should be the
President, and be addressed by the title of "Mr. Steward."
These regulations continued until the first of September, lTo7,
when they made further rules, dated the regular commencement
of the Club from that day, admitted the English language to be
spoken, and adopted the name of the Carolina Clnb.
Many disputes and disturbances arose amongst them between
this period and the 4th of April, 1738, whereby the Club had
nearly undergone a dissolution. But, happily, before that day,
the members agreed to frame new rules, alter the former name
to that of the Carolina Socip]ty, admit no language to be
spoken but English, and to have the following officers, viz: a
Steward to be their presiding officer, two Wardens as assistants
to him, and a Treasurer, to be elected annually; it was also
agreed that a Clerk and two Constables should be chosen
quarterly; which being done, the whole stock, amounting to
i;213 LGs.f currency, was put into the hands of the Treasurer,
and the new rules were signed by all those who chose to continue
members. At this time the Society consisted of forty-three
members. They then appointed Tuesday in Easter Week for
their annual meeting and for the election of their principal
The foregoing account is nearly taken from the introduction
to the sixth edition of the rules, and gives tolerably satisfactory
infornuition of the origin and progress of the institution. AVe
thence, further learn that the then existing rules tended rather
to induce confusion than promote peace and good order, in
consequence of which a committee was appointed to revise and
new model them; this being done, and approved on the 1st of
May, 173!), they were engrossed and called tiie original or consti-
tutional rules.
+E(iiiul to taOKis. lOd. sterling— or Slo").^.").
In 1751, the General Assembly passed an Act to Incorporate
the Society, by the name of the South Carolina Society,
which was confirmed on the 20th December, l75'-3.
On the 5th of April, 1743, we find the general stock aniouiit-
ing to £3,3(56 12s. 6d.* currency. But on the 28th of April,
1770, it had rapidly increased to the sum of £52,686 Is. Id.f
currency, notwithstanding the Society had been in the constant
habit of schooling and clothing from ten to twenty poor children,
for eighteen years preceding, besides supporting decayed mem-
bers, their Avidows and children. The Society, exercising the
same charitable acts, found their stock still increasing, not only
from the usual contributions, but from the benevolence of some
of their own body, and others, who, with a generosity that does
them the highest honor, gave several large sums to their funds,
so that on the anniversary of 1777, their capital amounted to
£72,530 lis. 7d.I currency.
From the year 1773 to 1779, the number of poor children con-
stantly clothed and educated by their bounty, amounted, one
year with another, to twefity-five, and sometimes to thirty, inde-
pendent of the maintenance of several of the widows of members
and their children.
In the course of the American Revolution, their capital was,
from obvious causes, so considerably diminished, as to oblige
the Society, on the 28th of March, 1780, with infinite regret, to
discharge the children from their School.
From this period to the year 1786, the Society was barely able
to afford assistance to those who were more immediately entitled
to it; but a worthy inhabitant of Charlestown,§ d}ing in the year
178 L, bequeathed to the Society £5,000|| sterling "for the use of
the poor of Charlestoiun;" which, with other bequests, donations,
and deposits, determined them to resume, and extend their
former plan of clothing and educating children of the poor;
accordingly, with a proportion of the interest of the money, in
November, 1786, sixteen were received on the bounty, and the
number was afterwards increased to thirty-six.
In the year 1791, the Legislature of the State, on the petition
* Equal to £338 Is. 9d. sterling— or $l,5l«.63.
f Equal to £7,5G3 lis. 7cl. sterling— or $:33,451.1:6.
* Equal to £10,36:J 10s. 3d. sterling-— or $10,051.16.
§ Gabriel Manigault, Esq.
II Equal to $32,233.23.
of tbe Society, extended their charter, so far as to enable them
to hold a real and personal estate to the amount of £-2,000*
sterling per annum, above reprises, and also authorized them to
bind out as apprentices such children as should be educated at
their expense.
On the first of January, 1799, it was proposed, and finally
agreed, that a lot should be purchased', and a suitable building
erected for a School, with adjoining apartments for the residence
of a Tutor, over Avhich should be constructed a spacious and
elegant Hall, with other convenient rooms, for the accommoda-
tion of the Society; it was also agreed to continue to clothe and
educate the children" then on the bounty, bat when the building-
should be fitted for the reception of the School, the plan of
education should be extended, by electing in place of each child,
as it attained the age limited for its education, two others, who,
if unconnected with the institution, should be educated, but not
clothed. Thus was the School increased to seventy-two, being
double its former number (independent of the children of mem-
bers), with no other additional expense than the employment of
an Assistant Teacher.
From the foundation of the Society to the 2d October, 1827,
a period of more than ninety-one yeai's, thirty-four necessitous
members, and one hundred and three destitute widows received
an annual support, by quarterly payments, which was always
ranAe in advance. Within this interval, education was afforded
to eleven hundred and seventy children, of whom eight hundred
and fiffcy-one were unconnected with the institution; three
hundred and seventy-four were children of members, many of
whom were clothed as well as educated. There were, in Octo-
ber, 1842, on the bounty of the Society, two superannuated
members, twenty-six indigent ^widows, and fourteen orphans,
who were pupils of the academies then recently instituted by
the Society; and on the anniversary, in 1852, there were on the
bounty one indigent member, two indigent daughters of mem-
bers, who, being cripples, could not support themselves,
forty-seven indigent widows; thirteen orphan children of
deceased members and twenty-two children of doc<.ased mem-
bers educated by the Society. The expenses of the year, 1852,
being $8,082, payable quarterly.
* Equal to $8,888.88.
On the 24th of July, 1804, the Society held the first meeting
under their own roof. This removal, with the extension of the
School, induced them to revise their rules, which were con-
firmed on the 6th December, 1808, and published as the seventh
In December, 1811, Public Schools were established by the
Legislature of South Carolina, to which every citizen of the
State was entitled to send his children, free of expense. This
philanthropic system rendered it no longer necessary for the
South Carolina Society to continue their Free School, on which
they had annually expended more than $2,000. It was, there-
fore, resolved, on the 15th of November, 1825, that their Free
School should cease to existi on their ensuing anniversary, in
March, 1826. xA.s this School had been founded with the imme-
diate design of educating the children of indigent members, a
committee was instructed, pursuant to this prominent feature in
its original formation, to digest a plan for the endowment of a
Male and Female Academy, wherein should be combined, with
the usual studies of an English education, the more extended
advantages of classical literature; that the children of luedy
parents, or of widowed pensioners, should be educated at the
cost of the charity, whilst those of contributing members, or who
had been such at their decease, should be instructed at the
expense of their respective parents or guardians, but at reduced
rates of tuition. Whilst a system of by-laws on these prescribed
outlines were maturing," it became a question whether the Free
School could be abolished without an infringement of the char-
ter; and whether, also, the charity fund could be applied to the
exclusive and indiscriminate advantage of their corporate com-
munity. It was the concurrent opinion of the Attorney-General
and the Solicitor of the Society, to whom these objections were
submitted, that there was no legal impediment to the discon-
tinuance of the Free School; but that money could not be drawn
from the eleemosynary fund for the support of a School, other
than for helpless orphans or the issue of destitute parents. The
Society, thus legally advised, sought for an enlargement of their
charter, which they obtained on the 20th December, 1826,
whereby thc}^ are empowered to erect such seminaries of learning
as they shall see fit, and to appropriate for their support any
moneys which may thereafter accrue, or become vested in them.
unless otherwise restrained under special donation. A Male and
Female Academy were accordingly instituted, and the annual
sum of one thousand five hundred dollars appropriated in aid of
their means. A further sum might on any emergent requisition
be assigned for their use; 2^^'ovided, the additional appropriation
did not exceed one thousand dollars in any one year. The
academies were opened in the Society's Hall on the 2d of July,
1827, when an inaugural address was delivered by William G.
Eead, Principal of the Male Academy, to a numerous and highly
respectable audience.
On the 2d of October, 1S27, the capital of the South
Carolina Society (including with the evidence of debt the value
of their lands and improvements) amounted to one hundred and
fifty-six thousand one hundred and thirty-three dollars and
ninety-five cents. With the income arising from their produc-
tive capital, together with the arrearages and admission of
members, they sheltered the houseless, fed the hungry, clothed
the naked, and gratuitously bestowed on the children of their
impoverished members an education adapted to their destined
occupations and pursuits, whether they were to be manual or
The two academies were thus opened with very flattering
prospects, and with a number of scholars in each fully equal to
the expectations of their projectors and patrons. During thir-
teen or fourteen years of their continuance, the Society were
gratified to see the children of their unfortunate members sitting
side by side with their own children, and receiving the same
instruction from the same instructors, without the smallest
feeling of obligation or inequality in the breasts of any of the
Although these were Free Schools to some, they really were
Society Schools to all, and as many intimacies and attachments
were formed between the children of the necessitous and of those
who were not such, as had previously existed between their
parents, while in social intercourse they contributed alike to the
same fund for diifusmg education and charity. From the con-
currence of various causes, these academies, after some years,
declined in tliu number of scholars, and became expensive. By
a vote of the Society, in December, 1839, the Male Academy was
closed, and the Female Academy in March, 1841. But jnstruc-
tion to the cliildren of nnfortnnate members was not discontinued
with these schools. The males were all educated at the High
School of the city, and the females, with the approbation of their
mothers, in some of the most respectable schools in the State-.
both being under the care of the Committee on Charity. In
ISTovember, 1842, there were twelve girls and seven boys educated
by the Society, at a cost of seven hundred and sixty dollars per
annum; the number of families receiving aid also from the
Society was thirty-seven, and the sum paid to them was seven
thousand and forty dollars per annum, which, with the schooling
amounted to seven thousand eight hundred dollars, and this has
in some years exceeded eight thousand dollars.
The Centennial Anniversary of the Society was celebrated on
the 28th day of March, 1837, with much rational festivity and
gratification. It commenced with a procession, in which the
scholars of the Male Academy, with their teachers, and the
officers and members of the Society, were joined by their invited
guests, the Mayor and Aldermen of Charleston, the Members of
Congress, the Judges of the United States, of the State and of the
City Courts; and by the Presidents of all the Charitable Socie-
ties of Charleston. On the return of the procession, they pro-
ceeded to St. MichaeFs Church, where the Rt. Rev. Dr. Bowen
(a member), solemnized the occasion with appropriate prayers
and exhortations. Sacred music was chanted by a full choir,
accompanied by the solemn tones of their fine organ, and two odes
written for the occasion — one by Miss Mary A. Lee (daughter
of a member), the other by the Rev, Dr. Gilman, a member,
were also chanted with the same accompaniment. An elegant
and appropriate oration was then delivered by Joshua W. Toomer,
Esq., a member; and on their return to the hall, silver medals,
to commemorate the event, were distributed one to each mem-
ber. The Society and their distinguished guests then partook
of an elegant dinner, with the greatest social harmony and
reciprocal congratulations. Silver medals were also sent to the
oldest descendants of the following founders and distinguished
officers of the Society: John Neufville, John Bonnetheau, Samuel
Prioleau, Elisha Poinsett, Thomas Roper, James Withers, John
Savage, Gabriel Manigault, James Wainwright.
Biographical sketches of many of the first members and bene-
factors of the Society, collected by a committee appointed for
the purpose, were printed in a pamphlet with the oration, the
pra3^ers and the odes written for the occasion, together with
other particulars of the celebration.
The Male and Female Academies having been discontinued,
the Rules relating to them ceased to be of force. Other Eules
had been altered and new Rules adopted at different times,
which, not being in print, could only be known by reference to
the journals. It thus became necessary to revise the Rules and
to publish a correct edition of them, which made the ninth.
Since then others hcive been adopted, and amendments added,
which made it obligatory to reprint the Rules. For this purpose
a committee was appointed in 1852, who, after due deliberation
and research, found the Rules to be of force, which were pub-
lished as the tenth edition. In 1870 the Rules were again
revised and altered, and published as the eleventh edition since
the foundation of the Society, in 1736.
South Carolina Society Hall,
No. — Meeting Street,
Charleston, S. C, March 11, 1884.
In presenting the twelfth edition of the Rules of the South
Carolina Society, which have been recently prepared by a com-
mittee consisting of Messrs. William Ravenel, Isaac Hayne, R. S.
R, Chrietzberg, William H. Prioleau and Evan Edwards, and
revised, amended and adopted by the Society, it has been
thought advisable that a statement should be made in an easily
accessible place of the present condition of the Society, and
this Preface has been selected as the one most appropriate and
useful for reference.
The Society consists of 52 members, against over 261 in 18G1.
As soon after the war as the Society could be reorganized it
recommenced its work of charity. In June, 1867, it paid its
fifty-five pensioners 1-450, and since that time has continued to
pay them quarterly such amounts as its income warranted,
amounting, in all to |!28,350, an average of about $1,800 per
annum. The number of pensioners has been reduced by death
and otherwise to thirty-four.
Previous to the war the Society was exempt from taxation, but
since then the courts hav£ decided that it is not a public charity,
and therefore not exempt. It has paid city and State taxes
since 1867 to the amount of $4,565.
The Hall having received much injury from shells, storms and
the effect of time, has required a considerable expenditure to
put and keep it in its present respectable condition, and the
sum of $5,277 has been paid for that purpose.
Schedules of the amounts [and nature of the property of the
Society for 1842, 1852, 1860, 1870, 1884 and 1889 being
printed on pages 35 to 30 inclusive, of this volume, will show the
condition of the property at those periods.
By the request of the Society the Hon. William D. Porter,
who has been a member of the Society .for 43 years and its chief
officer for 22 years, prepared an introduction to the New Signa-
ture Book, from which this extract has been taken as pertinent
to this:
''The Minute Book and the Book of Signatures of the South
Carolina Society were destroyed at the burning of Columbia
during the war in 1865. The loss was irreparable, especially
that of the Signature Book, which contained the names in auto-
graph of the members of the Society from its organization. *
* * * The war greatly reduced the resources and income of
the Society. Besides the loss of bank and other stocks it lost
$30,000 of State Bonds, destroyed at the burning of Columbia,
which it has not been able to get replaced. Many of its mem-
bers resigned or were dropped under the rules from sheer inabil-
ity to pay their arrears. It has, however, husbanded its re-
sources, reduced its fees and economized its expenses and is still
able to pay out the sum of $2,100 annually in pensions with the
well founded hope of increasing prosperity and usefulness. The
Hall of the Society was completed and occupied in 1804. Long
may this building with its proud and venerable associations re-
main in the hands of our successors dedicated to charitable and
social uses.
** It was and is our distinction that no other society in the State
has dispensed or continued to dispense so large a sum of money
annually in charity as the South Carolina Society. What a no-
ble monument its founders, who were chiefly of the French Cal-
vanistic Congregation of this city, reared to themselves, in this
beneficent and blessed institution. How much more worthy of
admiration, fruitful of good and enduring in character than a
monument of brass or stone. How many tears of widows have
been wiped away? How many orphans' hearts have been glad-
dened by the sympathy and relief that came to them from this
bountiful fountain? Year after year, century after century, may
our successors feed this fountain and continue to direct streams
of charity in aid of the brotherhood.
*' Our fathers adopted the useful motto ' Posteritati,' and ded-
icated their work and their resources to those who slionkl come
after them. Let us in the same spirit add to theirs another
motto which shall embody our hopes and our prayers for our
noble Society — ' Esto perpetual "
When it became unsafe to remain in Charleston, because of
the near approach of the Federal forces in 1863, the tin box
containing the bonds and other securities of the Society was
turned over by the Treasurer, Mr. Alexander H. Mazyck, to Mr.
John Cheesborough, then one of the Wardens of the Society and
also Cashier of the Bank of Charleston. Mr. Cheesborough car-
ried the box with him to Columbia and kept it in the vault of
one of the banks there until the morning of the 17th of February,
18G5, the day General Sherman's forces took possession of that
city, when, apprehending that the vault of the bank would be
plundered by the Federal troops (which apprehension proved
to be well founded), he removed the Society's box, together with
one belonging to Messrs. Eobertson, Blacklock & Co., and his
own private box, to his residence on Laurel street. There he
hid them under a sofa on the first floor of the house. When
driven out of doors that night with his wife and children, the
house being in flames at the time, Mr. Cheesborough was
obliged to abandon the three l)oxes, leaving them still concealed
under the sofa. A few minutes he had left the house it
was burned to the ground. When Mr. Cheesborough returned
to the spot a few days afterwards he found among the ruins, just
below the spot where he had left them, the remains of the three
boxes, the contents of which had been wholly consumed, ex-
cepting the spoons and other articles of silver which had been
in his own box. The silver had been melted out of all shape,
and he collected about four pounds of it out of the ashes.
When the Courts were again open in 18G6, proceedings were
taken in the Court of Equity at Charleston to perpetuate the
testimony of Mr. Mazyck and of Mr. Cheesborough in regard to
the character, amounts, and description of the securities which
had been in the tin box belonging to the Society, as well as the
fact of their destruction as related above.
The stocks were afterwards renewed without difficulty, and
the personal bonds and mortgages were either renewed or col-
lected through the Courts upon the testimony so taken. Bnt
among the securities destroyed were coupon bonds of the State
of South Carolina to the amount of §29,000 of the respective
numbers of which the Society had no record.
Eepeated applications were made to the Legislature, begin-
ning as early as the year 18G8, for new bonds in the place of
those which had been destroyed, but always without success
until 1881. In December, 1881, Mr. Cheesborough and the
Solicitor of the Society appeared before the Committees of
the Senate and of the House of Representatives, to whom the
petition of the Society for the renewal of the bonds had been
referred, and, after hearing from Mr. Cheesborough a full state-
ment of the facts and circumstances within his personal knowl-
edge, tending to establish the absolute destruction of the bonds,
both Committees unanimously recommended the passage of "a
joint resolution authorizing and requiring the State Treasurer
to issue to the South Carolina Society consolidation bonds or
stock equal in amount to fifty per centum of the par value of
certain bonds and coupons which were destroyed by fire."
This resolution was adopted, and, under its provisions, the
Society received from the State nearly seventeen years after the
destruction of its securities —
A certificate of State stock for $27,115 00
And interest thereon from July, 187i), to Jan., 1882, o,253 80
The principal and interest then received $30,368 80
amounting to a little more than the princijJal of the original
bonds burned in Columbia.
It was due to the energy, perseverance and ability of their So-
licitor, Mr. Isaac Hayne, that this recovery took place, and the
Society, in their appreciation, adopted a resolution thanking
him for his successful effort.
To Mr, John Cheesborough, formerly of this city, now of
Asheville, N. C, who, at the expenditure of much time, with
much trouble and inconvenience, visited at different p^'riods the
seat of the State government at Columbia and contributed the
most important personal testimony to the Legislature, upon
which the bonds were regained, the Society also recorded upon
their Minute Book their vote of thanks and presented to him a
piece of plate in acknowledgment and realization of their many
Stetvard S. C. S.
South Carolina Society Hall,
No. — Meeting Street,
Charleston, S. C, May 1st, 1889.
The twelfth edition of the Rules of the South Carolina Society,
published March llth, 1884, having been exhausted, a committee
was appointed under resolution of the Society to superintend the
publication of a new edition.
This committee, consisting of Francis M. Enrdell, Evan Ed-
wards and Wm. Ed. Hayne, now present, as the result of their
labors, this edition, embodying all the alterations and amend-
ments made since March llth, 1884, and list of officers and
members brought down to April 23d, 1889.
In August, 1885, the hall of the Society was badly damaged
by the cyclone, and the repairs had hardly been completed when
it was again badly injured by the earthquake of August 31, 1886.
These repairs necessitated an encroachment on our capital to the
amount of $5,000 but we were fortunate enough not to be
obliged to reduce our charity account, which for the year ending
March 31st, 1889, amounted to *l,752.o0.
On April 23d, 1880, the pensioners numbered 31 as against 34
on March llth, 1884.
And the members 87 as against 52 on March llth, 1884,
although death deprived us of the following valued members :
WM. C. COURTNEY Died December 25, 1885.
JOHN HANCKEL " Jaimary 13, 1886.
WILMOT G. DeSAUSSURE '• Febniary 1,1886
A. P. PELZER, M. D " Februaiy 10, 1886.
A. C. SMALL " May ' 23, 1886.
JENNINGS W. PERRY " September 18, 1886.
ROBERT LEBBY, M. D " February 18, 1887.
n. W. DeSAUSSURE, M. D " March 14 1887.
THOMAS MILLER " March 19, 1887.
WILLIAM AIKEN " September 6,1887.
W. H. EASTERBY *' February 24, 1888.
J. FORD PRIOLEAU, M. D., Steward, " April 11, 1888.
ISAAC HAYNE " November 7, 1888.
WILLIAM RAVENEL " November 10, 1888.
M, C. MORDECAI " December 30, 1888.
P. C. GAILLARD " January 11,1889.
JOHN E. POYAS " Jamiar'y 16,1889.
THOMAS W. POROHER '.' February 11, 1889.
1st. The Charter of the South Carolina Society for
charitable purposes, is dated 17th May, 1751. It authorizes the
eudownment of schools and alms houses; empowers the Society to
make such rules as they or their successors may deem expedient;
to hold in perpetuity, real and personal estate not exceeding
£500 sterling per annum, iibove reprises; to sell, exchange, or
demise, any part thereof ; and hold any donation, or devise, not
exceeding in value £500 per annum. This Act was approved
and confirmed by the King and Council of Great Britain, on the
fifth December, 1752.
2dly. An Act for the enlargement of the Charter was subse-
quently passed by the State Legishiture in 1791, authorizing the
purchase and retention, in perpetuity, of real and personal estate
not to exceed £2,000 sterling per aiMwim., above reprises, and to
bind out, as apprentices, children educated at their expense.
Sdly. An act for the furthur enlargement of the Charter was
passed on the 20th December, 1826, which authorizes the erection
and maintenance of such seminaries of learning as to the Society
shall seem fit; pledges for charitable uses, the estate held prior
to the passing of the Act, and authorizes the application of
future acquisitions to general purposes, unless otherwise specially
MAY 17th, 1751.
The 2(Jtli Day of December, 1752.
Most Excellent Majesty.
Earl of Waldegrave,
The King's
Lord Chancellor,
Archbishoja of York,
Lord President,
Duke of Dovenshire,
Duke of Atlioll,
Duke of New Castle,
Duke of Dorsett,
Earl of Holdernese,
Earl of Jersey,
Earl of Hyndford,
Earl of Halifax,
Lord Delawarr,
Lord Berkly of Stratton,
Lord Edgcumbe,
Mr. Vice Chamberlain,
Mr. Chancellor of the
Master of the Rolls,
Horatio Walpole, Esq.,
Sir John Rushout,
George Dodington, Esq.,
Sir Thomas Robinson.
Whereas, The Governor and Commander-in-Chief of his
Majesty's Province of South Carolina, with the Council and
Assembly of the said Province, did, on the 17th day of May,
1751, pass an Act, whicli hath been trcinsmitted in the words
following, viz:
''An Act to Incorporate the Society commonly called and
known by the name of the South Carolina Society'."
'' Whereas, Robert Rajjer, John McCall and Benjamin Addison,
in behalf of themselves and sundry other persons, inhabitants of
this Province, who have associated themselves together for
certain pious and charitable purposes, and have subsisted these
thirteen years last past, under the name of the South Carolina
Society, have preferred a petition to the General Assembly
therein setting forth, that by small contributions, from time to
time, made and improved to the best advantage, the said Society
hath now collected a considerable sum of money, which they are
desirous to a}yply in part towards those good and charitable uses
lohich first called them together; and in partictilar totvards erect-
ing, endoioing and supporti7ig proper schools and almshouses for
the maintenance and education of poor and helpless ori^hans; and,
therefore, pray to be incorporated as a body i^olitic, and to
be invested with such powers and authority as may be most
conducive to answer and further the good intentions of the said
Association: We therefore humbly pray his most sacred Majesty
that it maybe enacted: And he it enacted, By his Excellency,
James Glenn, Esquire, Governor-in-Chief and Captain- General
m and over his Majesty's said Province of South Carolina, by
and with the advice and consent of his Majesty's Honorable
Council, arid the Assembly of the said Province, and by the
authority of the same, that liobert Paper, the present Steward,
John McCall and Benjamin Addison, the present AYardens, and
the several persons who now are, or shall hereafter be members
of that Society in this Province, commonly called the South
CarolIjSTA Society, and their successors, in the manner herein-
after directed to be elected officers or members of the same,
shall be, and they are hereby, declared to be one body corporate
and politic, in deed and in name, by the name and style of the
South Carolina Society; and by the same name shall have
perpetual succession of officers or members and a common seal,
with power to change, alter, break and make new the same, as
often as they shall judge expedient; and they and their successors
shall be able and capable in law, to have, hold, receive, enjoy,
possess and retain to them and their successors, all the moneys
or other personal estate, and all the securities for the same which
have arisen from the contributions aforesaid, and the interest
and proceeds thereof, and which are now in the handa of, or
vested in any of the said officers and members, in trust for the
said Society; and also, at their discretion, to call in and replace
at interest the said moneys, or any part thereof, and they and
their successors, by the said corporate name of the South
Carolhsta Society, shall be capable in law, out of the said
moneys and the produce thereof, to purchase, receive, have,
liold, possess, enjoy and retain to them and their successors in
perpetuity, or for any term of years, any estate or estates, real
or personal, messuages, lands, tenements or hereditaments, of
what nature or kmd soever, not exceeding in the whole five
hundred pounds sterling per annum, above reprises, and to sell,
alien, exchange, demise, or lease the same, or any part thereof,
as they shall think convenient; and by the same name to sue
and be sued, implead and be impleaded, answer and be answered
unto, in any Court of Record; and to make sucli rules and
by-laws for the benefit and advantage for the said corporation as
shall be, from time to time, agreed to by the majority of the
members of the said Society. And be it further enacted, by the
authority aforesaid, that it shall and may be hiwfnl for the
corporation hereby erected, to take and hold, to them and their
successors forever, any charitable donations, or devises of lands,
not exceeding in the whole five hundred pounds sterling per
annum; and also to take and hold moneys or chattels, real and
personal, and therewith, and out of their common stock, to erect,
endow and support proper schools {provided that the masters of
the said schools be members of the Church of England) and alms
houses for the relief of such indigent persons, and especially for
the maintenance and education of such poor and helpless or'phans
or indigent children, and for binding them apprentices, as they
shall judge proper objects of the charity hereby intended; and
to appoint and . chose, and at their pleasure, displace, remove
and supply such officers, schoolmasters, servants and other
persons, to be employed for the purposes herein mentioned or
intended, or other affairs of the corporation; and to appoint such
salaries, perquisites, or other rewards for their labor or service
therein, as they shall, from time to time, approve of and think
fit. And be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, that
this Act shall and may be given in evidence, on the trial of
any issue or cause, in any Court of Law or Equity, without
special pleading. And be it enacted, by the authority aforesaid,
that this Act, nor any thing therein contained, shall not be of
force until his ]Majesty's royal approbation thereof shall be
obtained, and signilied to the Governor or Commander-in-Chief
in this Province.
"In the Council Chamber, the 17th day of May, 1751.
Assented to. JAMES GLENN.''
And whereas, The said Act, together Avith a representation
from the Lords Commissioners for trade and plantations there-
upon, having been referred to the consideration of a Committee
of the Lords of his -Majesty's most Honorabh^ Privy Council for
plantation affairs, the said Lords of the Committee did, this day,
report as their opinion to his Majesty that the said Act was
proper to be approved: His Majesty in Council, taking the same
into consideration, was graciously pleased to declare his appro-
bation of the said Act, and pursuant to his Majesty's royal
pleasure thereupon expressed, the said Act is hereby confirmed,
finally enacted and ratified accordingly: Whereof, the Governor
or Commander-in-Chief of his Majesty's Province of South
Carolina, for the time being, and all others whom it may concern,
are to take notice and govern themselves accordingly.
FEBRUARY 19th, 1791.
Whereas, The Steward and Wardens of the South Carolina
Society, by their memorial and petition to the Legislature, have
prayed that they may have power to hold a capital and stock in
perpetuity, to the amount of two thousand pounds sterling per
annum. And also that the officers of the said Society be vested
with full power to bind, as apprentices to trades, occupations or
professions, such children as now are, or may be supported by
the charity of the said Society. A7id whereas, it is expedient to
grant the prayer of the said petition.
Be it, therefore, enacted hy the Honorable the Senate and House
of Representatives, now met and sitting in General Assembly,
and by the authority of the same. That the said South Carolina
Society be, and they are hereby made, capable in law, to pur-
chase, receive, have, hold,pnjoy, possess and retain, in perpetuity,
or for any term of years, any estate or estates, real or personal,
messuages, lauds, tenements or hereditaments, of what nature or
kind soever, not exceeding in the whole two thousand pounds
sterling per annum, above reprises.
And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the
Steward and Wardens of the said Society be, and they are hereby,
authorized to bind any child or children, who shall be educated
at the expense of the said Society, apprentice to any trade, mys-
tery or profession, until the male child ^hall arrive at the age of
twenty-one years, and the female child shall arrive at the age of
eighteen years, or be married, or for a shorter time if they shall
see tit; any law, usage or custom, to the contrary thereof in any
wise notwithstanding.
In the Senate House, the yvineteenth day of Fehruary, in the
year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-
one, and in the fifteenth year of the Independence of the
United States of America.
President of the Senate.
Sjieaker of the House of Representatives.
DECEMBER 20th, 1826.
''Sec. 33. And he it enacted hy the authority aforesaid,
That the South Cakolina Society shall have full power and
authority, in addition to the power now vested in them by law,
to erect and support any school or schools, or other seminaries
of education, as they may deem necessary and proper, and to
appropriate therefor such sum or sums of money as may hereafter
accrue or be vested in them as may by them be deemed necessary.
" Sec. 24. And be it further enacted, That any Acts, or
clauses of Acts, repugnant to this, be, and the same are hereby,
SCHED ULE of the Property of the South Caroli7ia Society,
2yth March, 18Jf3.
Hall and Lot in Meeting" Street
School House and Lot in Society Street
I 35,000 00
6,000 00
30 Bonds. 70,726 44
City 6 per cent. Stock ! 4,666 50
State 3 per cent. Stock | 11,689 97
27 Shares in Union Bank (cost) I 1,680 75
11 Shares Bank of Charleston (cost). . j 1, 100 00
11 Shares Bank of Charleston (new;
Stock) I 550 00
138 Shares United States Bank* | 17,700 00
2 Bonds
133 Union and 43 State Bank Sliares
Interest due on Bonds
Interest due Manigault's Legacy.
Interest due State and City Stock.
Interest due Bank Shares
12,364 35
2.794 30
183 01
339 41
175 13
Annual Arrears due this day.
Cash in Treasurer's hands. . . ,
8,353 00
451 05
41,900 00
108,113 66
16.364 25
3,380 74
3,804 05
$166,377 91
r,184 79
$173,562 70
Treasurer South Carolina Society.
* The cost, but the Bank having- failed, it is supposed to be a total loss. The
other Bank Stocks are likewise set down at their cost, but have depreciated
very much.
SCHEDULE of the Property of the South Carolina Society.
13th April lSo2.
Hall and Lot v
alned at
f 85,881
f 35.000,00
22 Bonds
City 6 per cent
State 3 per cent
27 Union Bank
Stock . . .
. Stock
11 each old and
new Bank of Charleston Shares . . .
105.568 93
2 Bonds . . .
123 Union Ban
42 State Ban^
V Shares. . . .
i Shares ....
16.103 10
Interest due on
Interest due on
Interest due on
State and Ci'
Lial Arrears.
er's hands. .
y Stocks
2,729 95
Estimated Ann
Cash in Ti-easui
6,106 83
$165,508 81
138 Shares in the United States Bank were sold at Philadelphia (in March.
1852), producing the sum of $618, and ^ per cent. j)rem. on the draft for tlie
money $1.54, making $619.54.
Treasurer South Carolina Society,
SCHEDULE of the Property of the South Carolina Society,
1st April, 1860.
Hall and Lot, valued at.
$ 89,870 85
3,196 34
32,000 00
2,820 00
1,680 75
1 35,000 00
Interest due on Bonds
Bonds of State of South Carolina
City Six Per Cent. Stock, par value
Bank Stock
129,567 94
Interest due on Bonds
Bank Stock ....
4,000 00
520 31
12,364 25
16,884 56
Estimated Annual Arrears ....
3,000 00
781 00
Cash in Treasurer's Hands
3,781 00
1185,233 50
Treasurer South CaroUjia Society.
SCHEDULE of the Property of the South Carolina Society,
1st April, 1870.
Plall and Lot, valued at
$ 16,570 81
445 00
1.320 00
'..000 00
3,000 00
% 35,000 00
21,335 81
Seven Bonds ....
Interest due on Bonds
City Six Per Cent. Stock, par value
Charleston City Railway Stock, par value. .......
Bonds ol So. Ca. Railroad Co., " "
manictATLt's legacy.
( )ne Bond
3,411 OC
238 77
Interest on Bond
3,640 77
Estimated Annual Arrear
1.560 00
1,034 33
Cash in Treasurer's hands
2,594 33
Bonds ol the State of South Carolina l)uvnt at
Columl)ia in 1865
62.579 91
32,000 00
1 94,579 91
Treasurer South Carolina Society,
8CHED ULE of the Property of the Soitth Carolina Society,
1st April, 188 Jf.
Hall ami Lot, valued a(
Six Bonds
City Charleston Four Per ( "cut . Bonds
ytate of South Carolina Ccjiisols
Bank Charleston Stock
City Railway Company St(H:k
State Consol
Estimated Annual Arrears
Cash in Treasurer's hands.
\ 6:751 41
- '3.700 00
32.795 00
700 00
2,500 00
$10,000 00
46,446 41
2,000 00
1,278 35
$59,724 76
Treasurer Soulji Carolina Society.
SCHEDULE of the Proijerty of the South Carolina Society,
M April, 1889.
Hall Mild Lot. valued at. . . . .
.f 4.616 00
7,000 00
27,70.5 00
700 00
1..500 00
670 80
2-18 28
$10,000 00
Bonds and Noto
('itv of Cliai'leston Four Per Cent. Bonds
State of South Carolina. Consols
Bank of Charleston Stoek
Citv Railway Stock .
State Consols. . .
42,511 00
2.000 00
Estimated Annual Arrears
Cash in Treasiirer's hands
928 08
$55,439 08
Treasurer South Carolina Society
Section 1. The Society shall be called the South Carolina
Society, and shall consist of any number of members. Should
the number of members be reduced to less than nine the Society
shall not cease, but ail the moneys, bonds, real and personal
shall then be administered on by the remaining member o»
members of the Society as trustee or trustees, who shall have
the manageriient and improvement of the funds, and are hereby
empowered to appropriate the interest and income thereof to the
charitable uses and purposes set forth in the Rules until the So-
ciety be restored by the accession of other members qualified by
admission under the Rnles, who may be received by such re-
maining member or members. And if, in the meantime, while
there are less than nine members remaining, one or more of them
should die, or depart from the State, then the heirs, executors,
administrators or attorneys of him or them so deceased, or de-
parted from the State, shall respectively become trustees in his
or their stead until the Society be established as aforesaid.
Sec. 2. The r^ociety shall hold their Anniversary fleeting at
their Hall in Charleston, on every Tuesday in Easter week, and
sit only between two and nine o'clock P. JVI., of which meeting
the Clerk shall give due notice in one or more of the gazettes of
the city, and shall at the same time give notice in like manner of
so much of the third section of Rule II. as provides for the ex-
clusion of members whose arrears are unpaid. The Society shall
also meet on the second Tuesday of every month, and sit only
from seven to nine o^clock P. M., from October to March, in-
clusive, and between eight and ten o'clock P. M. from April to
September, inclusive. Provided, that when the Tuesday of
Easter week does not fall on the second Tuesday of the mouth,
no meeting shall be held on the second Tuesday of that month.
Provided, further, that the Steward shall have power to call
extra meetings at his discretion upon the written request of five
members. Should the Hall of the Society be destroyed by fire
or other accident, they may be called together by the Steward at
some convenient place in Charleston; but such place of meeting
may be changed by the determination of the members, who may
then or thereafter be so assembled. The Society shall dine to-
gether at the anniversary meeting only; and it shall be the duty
of the Steward, at least one month before that meeting, to ap-
point a committee of five to provide a dinner for the members,
the expense of which shall be paid from the general fund of the
Sec. 3. A quorum of theSociety shall consist of nine mem-
bers for all business except to alter the Rules or to make an ap-
propriation of money exceeding $500 in amount, in which cases
a quorum shall consist of not less than fifteen members.
Sec. 4. The Seal of the Society, the device'on which shall be
a hand planting a vine, with the motto, '^ Posteritati," shall
be kept by the Treasurer.
Section 1. No person shall be admitted a member of this
Society unless he be a citizen of South Carolina, of lawful age,
and shall have been for one year a resident in this State.
Candidates for admission shall apply by letter addressed to the
Steward, Wardens and Members of ilie South Carolina Society,
applications for membership shall be read on the second Tues-
day of the month, or at the Anniversary Meeting, and on the
second Tuesday of the following month the candidate shall be
ballotted for. If four-fifths of the members present vote for a
candidate, he shall be declared duly elected. xVny person elected
a member of this Society, who refuses or neglects to pay his
admissi(>n money for three months after his election, shall forfeit
the benefit of such election. No person rejected can apply again
for admission until after twelve months; on a second rejection
of such person, no further application from him shall be con-
sidered or acted upon.
Sec. 2. Every person shall, on his admission, pay
dollars — unless he be the son of a living member, or of a deceased
member who was a member at the time of his death — in either
of which cj^es, sucli son- ofa'livin^^^^of, such deceased member
shall pay tlvo do?^&r''rrovule(l, the arrears of his father shall
have been paid up for the full term of seven years, either as they
became payable or in advance.
Sec. 3. At every Annual Meeting of the Society, every
member, whether present or absent, shall pay up whatever
arrears niay be due by him for the past year at the rate of (llO)
ten dollars per annum. If from any cause whatever the arrears
of a member be not paid at the Annual Meeting, his name and
the amount due by him shall be read out by the Clerk at the
three succeeding meetings after said Annual Meeting,- and if
they be not paid on or before the adjournment of the third
succeeding meeting, he shall be excluded as a member. The
Clerk shall give notice to all such members who are in arrears,
after the second reading, when the third reading shall take
But such excluded member, upon paying all arrears due at
the time of his exclusion, and which may have become due
during such exclusion, may apply for admission, agreeably to the
first Section of this Ilule. Provided, nevertheless, that upon an
election in such case, the usual admission m.oney shall not be
required; and j^i'ovided also, that in the case of non-election the
arrears paid by the applicant for readmission shall be returned
to him; and iirovided aJso, that any such excluded member,
upon paying all arrears due at the time of his exclusion, may
apply for admission as aforesaid, and upon election he may be
enrolled on the same footing as a newly elected member, without
being required to pay the admission fee of fifteen dollars.
readmissio]n: of members who resigned.
Any person who shall have resigned his right of membership
may apply for readmission, and if elected by four-fifths of the
members present, shall, on paying the admission fee, be regarded
as a newly admitted member.
On the death of a member (not having been such seven years),
if any person for him shall pay in advance, or at the regular,
periods, according to the Kale, the stated arrears for the full
term of seven years from the time of his admission, his widow
and children shall, after the expiration of said term, and not
before, be entitled to the same benefits and privileges as if he
had been a member for seven years .
Sec. 4. Any member of this Society, upon the payment of
1150, shall become a life member. Any member, who shall have
been such for not less than fifteen years, may become a life
member upon the payment of $100. And any member, who
shall have been such for not less than twenty-five years, may
become a life member upon the payment of $50. And every
member who shall have been such for fifty years shall be enrolled
a life member. *
All life members shall be entitled to all the rights and
privileges of other members, and be thereafter excused from the
payment of arrears.
Sec. 5. No member of this Society shall be allowed to borrow
from the Society, nor to give his own bond, note, or other
obligation, either as principal or surety, for any property that
may be pui-chased from the Society, nor shall any bond, note, or
other obligation, be received in payment, to which the name of
any member is signed, either as principal or surety, indorser or
assignor, drawer or acceptor.
Section 1. A Steward, Senior and Junior Warden, Treas-
urer, Clerk, two Constables and a committee consisting of seven
members, to be called the Committee on Charity, shall be annu-
ally elected on Tuesday in Easter week, all of whom must be
residents of the City of Charleston. T.^e poll shall be opened
in the Hall of the Society, at one o'clock P. M , and closed at
three o'clock P. M., when the result of such election shall be re-
ported to the Steward, or other presiding officer. Every mem-
ber chosen and refusing or neglecting to serve, except on a re-
election, shall forfeit five dollars, and another shall be forthwith
elected in his stead, who shall be liable to a like forfeiture on
refusing or neglecting to perform the duties of his appointment.
In case of the death, resignation, dismissal, or removal from the
City of Charleston of any officer, another shall be elected at the
next meeting, after ten days notice in one or more gazettes of
the city.
'No officer shall be considered duly elected who shall not have
a majority of the votes of the members present.
Sec. 2, The Steward shall preside at all meetings, and pre-
serve due order and decorum. On every anniversary he shall
appoint two Committees: one to consist of seven members, to
be called the Committee on Accounts; the other to consist of
five members, to be called the Committee on Repairs. He shall
also appoint such other Committees as may be necessary, pro-
pose all questions for debate, and declare the result.' He shall
sign all orders for the payment of money, which orders shall be
countersigned by the Clerk. It shall also be the duty of the
Steward or other presiding officer, at the meeting immediately
preceding the anniversary, to appoint three members to conduct
the election of officers; and he shall discharge generally all such
further duties as m.ay be assigned him by the Society.
The Senior Warden shall sit on the right of the Steward, and
the Junior Warden on tbe left. In the absence of the Steward,
the Senior Warden shall preside; and in the absence of the
Steward and Senior Warden, the Junior Warden shall preside.
If the Steward and both Wardens be absent one hour from a
monthly, or two hours from an annual or general meeting, some
member present shall be elected to preside; who, on taking the
chair, shall, for that meeting, be invested with the powers dele-
gated to the Steward; but should such member refuse to act, he
shall forfeit two dollars, and another be chosen, liable on refusal
to a like forfeiture.
If, at any time during the continuance in office of the present
or any future Treasurer, it shall appear to the Steward and
AVardens, that the personal security given by such officer shall
have become insufficient, then, and in that case, it shall be
their duty to require other and further security, and on his
refusal or neglect to give the same, to report to the Society, who
shall, at their discretion, displace such officer, should he con-
tinue to refuse or neglect to give such security. It shall be the
duty of the Steward to keep the said bonds, having first recorded
them in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyance for
Charleston County, within eight days from their date.
It shall be the duty of the Steward and Wardens to let such
parts of the Society's Hall and premises as shall not have been
assigned to the Keeper of the Hall as a residence, in such man-
ner and on such terms, and to such person or persons, and for
such uses, as they may deem most conducive to the interests of
the Society.
Sec. 3. The Treasurer shall take charge of the cash, plate,
bonds, mortgages and other securities, the rules, seal, books,
papers and accounts (all of which shall be first inspected by him
and the Committee on Accounts), and two exact schedules of
the same shi;ll be made out; one of which, signed by the Steward,
shall be delivered to the Treasurer and copied into the Journal
of the Clerk, and the other, signed by the Treasurer, shall be
kept by the Steward.
He shall, under the direction of the Steward and Wardens,
hire out and lease the Society's lands and houses to any person
not a member, and punctually collect the rents and receive the
arrears of the members, and all moneys payable to the Society.
He shall take, and when necessary, cause to be recorded, proper
securities for moneys loaned out; and in default of the payment
of the interest on any bond, he shall cause the sajUie to be put in
suit, and shall endorse on every bond the several amounts of
money paid on the same ; and shall pay no money without a writ-
ten order from the Steward or presiding officer, and shall render
to the Clerk monthly, to be entered on the Journal, an account
of all receipts and disbursements.
He shall keep a set of books and enter therein an account of
the stock, admission money, contributiong, rents, interest money,
arrearages, fines, forfeitures, donations and legacies, received or
payable, or belonging to the Society, and render quarterly a
statement thereof; and on every anniversary a statement of the
receipts and disbursements of the preceding year, together with
a schedule of the funded and other stock, securities and all
other property belonging to the Society; and whenever he shall
have in his hands money to the amount of five hundred dollars,
he shall report the same to the Society, who shall direct it to be
The present and every future Treasurer, upon his receiving
the papers and other property of the Society into his possession,
shall give his bond for the value of the funds and other property
so committed to his charge; and also a joint and several bond
with one or more sureties, to be approved by the Steward and
Wardens, in the sum of ten thousand dollars for the safe keep-
ing of the funds and other property of the Society, and for the
faithful discharge of every duty that now is or hereafter may be
prescribed for his government, by any rule or resolve during his
continuance in office, and until his successor shall have received
the papers and property of the Society into his possession, and
given his bond as required by this Rule. And should the said
Treasurer be re-elected, the bond theretofore given by him and
his sureties, shall extend to all his subsequent elections.
The Treasurer shull be entitled to two hundred dollars per
annum, payable in quarterly instalments of $50 each, as com-
pensation for his services.
Sec. 4. The Clerk shall enter all rules and orders of the Society
in their Minute Book, also the elections of officers, the names
of the members, and times of their admission, exclusion, or death;
all applications, petitions and orders for payment of money,
likewise an account of the admission-money, fines and forfeit-
ures, donations and legacies. He shall keep a correct index to
the Journal, and at every meeting, before business, read for cor-
rectiou, the fair minutes of the preceding meeting, and before
the Society hours are over, their rough minutes, for information
and correction. He shall on every anniversary enter on the
Journal the schedule and statements required of the Treasurer,
by the third section of Eule III. He shall open an account for
each member; and at every annual meeting lay before the So-
ciety a list of those in arrears. He shall immediately thereafter
notify applicants for membership of their election and of the
contents of the first section of the second Rule. He shall enter
the reports of committees, and the proceedings and transactions
of the Society. In case of the absence of the Clerk, the Steward
shall, for that meeting, appoint a member to act in his place;
any member appointed, refusing to serve, shall incur a penalty
of two dollars; whereupon the Steward shall proceed to nomi-
nate, as often as may be necessary, a member for that purpose
who shall be subject, in case of default, to a like penalty.
It shall also be his duty, when 'directed, to summon by writ-
ten notice all members of committees; and if he neglect to sum-
mon any member of a committee, he shall be fined by the
Society in any sum not exceeding one dollar.
And on the death of any member, he shall give notice to his
widow, or if there be no widow, then to his personal representa-
tives, of the contents of the last clause of the third section of
the second Rule; and immediately after the second Tuesday in
January, he shall send to each pensioner a printed form of the
statement prescribed in the fifth section of the fourth Rule,
and shall furnish each applicant for relief with same.
As a compensation for his services, the clerk shall receive, by
quarterly payments, one hundred dollars per annum.
Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the Constables to inform the
Clerk of every member who enters the room, and to perform all
such other duties as shall be required of them by the presiding
Sec. 6. A keeper of the Hall shall be annually elected, at the
anniversary meeting, from among the members, whose duties
shall be to take charge of the Hall, buildings and premises be-
longing to the Society; to keep them in good order, to clean and
air the same, and the furniture thereof, after every meeting of
the Society, or of other societies or companies which may use
the same, and as often as tiie Stewards and Wardens may deem
it necessary; and to perform all such other duties in relation to
the Hall and premises as the said officers may assign to* him; to
take charge of the wines, liquors and other articles belonging
to the Society; to have them properly prepared for use on the
day when the Society dines; to attend when the Society dines,
and at all its other meetings; and also, when required, at the
meetings of its committees; to prepare the necessary fires and
lights for the use of the Society or its committees at their meet-
ings, and for the use of such societies, companies, or persons, as
may occupy the Hall; and to extinguish the tires and lights after
every meeting which may be held therein. As a compensation
for his services, the keeper of the Hall shall receive the sum of
one hundred dollars per annum, payable quarterly, and ten per
centum of all amounts received by him for rent of Hall.
He shall reside on the premises belonging to the Society, and
shall be allowed to occupy, free of rent, the three eastern rooms
on the first floor of the Hall, and so much of the basement and
of the land and other premises attached to the Hall as the said
officers may deem necessary to his comfort. In case of a vacancy
in the office of Hall Keeper by death, resignation, or otherwise,
the Steward and Wardens shall fill the same by appointment for
the unexpired term.
Sec. 7. Every committee shall choose its charirman, who
shall appoint the times and places of its meetings. If any mem-
ber of a committee shall not attend at the time and place ap-
pointed, he shall be fined by the chairman one dollar, unless
the said absentee, at the next meeting of the committee, ofi'er a
sufficient excuse; in default of which, the chairman shall report
him to the Clerk, who shall debit him with such fine. Should
the chairman of any committee neglect to report on the subject
matter committed to him, when thereto specially directed by
Kule or order, he shall be fined in the sum of three dollars.
Sec. 8. The Committee on Charity shall consist of seven
members, who shall be elected at the anniversary meeting.
Applications for immediate relief, in behalf of decayed mem-
bers, shall be referred to this committee, who shall inquire into
the circumstances, and report at the next meeting.
Applications in behalf of widows and children of deceased
members shall be referred to this committee, who shall report
thereon; and if, in their opinion, it is necessary, recommend an
immediate appropriation until the next regular meeting.
When the annual returns of pensioners have been read befoi-e
the Society, they shall be sent to the chairman of this commit-
tee, and they shall meet and report thereon at least one month
before the anniversary, making such comments and observations
as they may deem proper. Should any material alterations
occur in the circumstances of any incumbent on the bounty,
the committee shall notice the same m their report to the
As soon as possible after the Committee on Accounts have
reported the probable income of the Society for the ensuing year,
the Committee on Charity shall revise and re-adjust the pen-
sions, so as not to exclude any person who may be entitled to
the bounty of the Society, and to adapt all the pensions to the
circumstances of the pensioners at the time of such adjustment,
and to report the same to the Society, at least one month before
the anniversary.
Sec. 9. The Committee on Accounts shall consist of seven
members, and shall be appointed by the Steward at each anni-
Their duty shall be to examine the Treasurer's books,
accounts and vouchers, and to report quarterly, or oftener if
required, and at the anniversary to make a special report thereon,
in which shall be stated the sums received and disbursed the
preceding year, with the balance to be carried to the next year's
The books of the Clerk shall also be examined by this com-
mittee, whenever they may think proper; and ti^ey shall report
thereon annually at the anniversary, or oftener if required.
And it shall also be their duty, at least two mouths before
each anniversary, to report the probable amount of the income
of the Society, and of its current expenses for the ensuing year.
Sec. 10. The Committee on Eepairs shall consist of five
members, who shall be appointed by the Steward at the anni-
Their duty shall be to superintend all the buildings belonging
to the Societ3^ and to report quarterly, and at such other times
as may be necessary, such repairs as they may deem proper. Pr'o-
vided, that when, in the judgment of the committee, immediate
action is necessary, they may expend fifty dollars, but no more.
Sec. 11. A committee of three members, to be styled the
Committee on Entertainment, shall be appointed by the Pre-
siding Officer at the anniversary meeting, whose duty it shall
be to procure at the expense of the Society such liquors and
other articles as may be required for its monthly meetings, or
otherwise; to arrange for the proper serving of the same; and
to report in detail to the Society as often as required. It shall
be the duty of the Hall Keeper to render to the Committee on
Entertainment whenever requested so to do, a particular account
of all wines, liquors, or other supplies of the Society under his
Section 1. If any member shall die in such low circumstances
that the expenses of his interment cannot be defrayed from his
own estate, the Steward and Wardens shall have power to order,
at the expense of the Society, whatever may be necessary for his
funeral, in a frugal and decent manner.
immediate relief.
Sec. 2. If any member (having been such for seven years),
by sickness or misfortune need assistance, the Steward, or other
officer officiating as Steward, u2)on his application in writing
(in which shall be stated what are his means of support),
shall submit the same to the Committee on Charity, who shall
inquire into his circumstances, and allow such immediate roliei
as they may think necessary; Provided, tlie sum graiited for
immediate relief shall not exceed fifty dolha'S, and provided
further, that the committee shall report their action at the next
regular meeting of the Society. No j^art of the stock or other
funds shall be applied to the foregoing, or any other charitable
uses, until two months notice thereof be given to the Society;
except i]i cases where immediate relief is, in the opinion of the
committee, absolutely necessary.
Sec. 3. On the death of any member, having been such for
seven years, who leaves a widow, or child or children, without
sufficient support, such Avidow, or child or children, shall be
entitled to such future support as the Committee on Chariiy
shall recommend, and two-thirds of the members present
shall determine. On the recommendation of the Committee
on Charity, an immediate appropriation may be made for the
support of the widow, and for the support of the child or chil-
dren of a deceased member, untilthe next quarterly meeting.
Provided, that male children over fifteen years of age, and
females over eighteen years of age shall not be entitled to relief
from the Society, unless from physical infirmity they are unable
to support themselves.
election of pexsioxers.
Sec. 4. In all cases of application by a decayed member, or
the Avidow or family of a deceased member for maintenance, the
final vote upon such application shall be taken on the anniver-
sary, or on the second Tuesday in July, October or January, and
at no other period.
The re-election of all pensioners on the bounty of the So-
ciety shall be determined by ballot, on the anniversar}-, or the
next meeting of the Society thereafter; and the votes of two-
thirds of the members voting shall be necessary to the re-elec-
tion of any pensioner.
Sec. 5. No indigent member, or widow of a deceased mem-
ber, residing within the City of Charleston, shall be entitled to
immediate relief, or a permanent stipend, until he or she shall
have exhibited a schedule of his or her Avhole estate and income
— clothing, bedding and household furniture excepted — which
schedule shall be in the following form:
Statement of the Property or Available Means of on
the . . day of IS ... .
1st. Name of applicant; names, number, sex, and ages of chil-
2d. Bank, funded or other stock, or evidence of debt producing
income, and all income however derived.
3d. Houses and lands, and where situate.
4th. Property in trust for self, child or children,
5lh. Property possessed by child or children, independent of the
Annual pensioners shall state what property may have been
acquired since their last return, or what may have been lost or
Immediately after the first Tuesday in January in every year,
the Clerk of the Society shall send a printed form or the fore-
going statement to each pensioner, who shall fill the blanks with
the required information, sign the same, and within one month
thereafter transmit it to the said Clerk to be read in the Society,
that the members may be enabled, should anything be incor-
rectly stated, to afford information thereon; and when the said
returns have been so read, they shall be sent to the chairman of
the Committee on Charity, which committee shall meet and
consider all such returns, and report thereon at least one
month before the anniversary, making such comments and ob-
servations as they may deem proper. Should any person con-
templated by this Rule fail or neglect duly to render such j)i'e-
scribed certificate, he or she shall not be entitled to further
pecuniary relief, unless satisfactory reasons be assigned for such
failure or neglect; nor until the requisitions of the Rules shall
have been complied with.
All persons residing without the City of Charleston, who may
be entitled to assistance, shall apply by letters directed to the
Steward, Wardens and Members, setting forth, on oath or
affirmation, their necessities and ages; the number, sex, ages and
names of their children, if any; the state of their health; what
property they may possess; and what efficient support they may
derive from any available means; that the Society may judge of
their wants; and the truth of the said letter shall be certified by
three or more respectable citizens, where such person or persons
reside, who shall also give a true and ]nst character of the appli-
cant, that the Society may determine whether the allowance
ought to be paid to him or to her, or -be placed in the hands of
some person in trust for his or her use; and a like letter or cer-
tificate shall be transmitted annually, two months jii'evious to
the anniversary, so that the Committee on Charity may specially
rei^ort thereon, which report shall be made to the Society on
the meeting preceding the anniversary, and be exhibited at the
poll at the annual election of officers and pensioners. In case
the persons contemplated by this Rule shall fail or neglect to
transmit such certificate, he, she or they shall no longer be enti-
tled to the stipend they have heretofore received; unless reasons
satisfactory to two-thirds of the members present shall be subse-
quently assigned for such failure or neglect.
Skction 1. The whole amount of the expenditures of the
Society for pensions and other charitable purposes, shall never,
in any one year, exceed nine-tenth, of the estimated income of
the Society, over and above its current experjses, for other than
charitable purposes.
Sec. 2. All admission fees and life membership fees shall be
invested as part of the general fund of the Society, and the
income only shall be used for current expenses, bounties or other
charitable purposes.
Sec. 3. Investments shall be made by the Steward and War-
dens, under directions of the Society, in stock of this State,
or of the United States, or of this City, or in bonds secured by
mortgage of real estate, as shall seem best to the said officers.
In^estments in bonds may be made either by way of purchase
or of original loan; when money is loaned on bond, such bond
shall be made payable to the South Carolina Society one year
from the date of the loan, and the interest shall be paid semi-
Section 1. All elections of officers and members, and all
grants of money for charitable purposes, or appropriations not
immediately connected with the usual appropriations and ordi-
nary expenses of the Society, shall be determined by ballot.
Sec. 2, A member having any matter to propose, or motion
to make, shall rise and address himself to the Steward or pre-
siding officer, and shall not be interrupted while speaking; if he
be seconded, the same shall be taken into consideration. When
two or more members rise together, the presiding officer shall
determine who is to proceed, and call to order such as may wan-
der from the point. No member shall speak oftener than twice
on any subject in debate, without having previously obtained the
permission of the Society. Every question of order shall be de-
cided by the presiding officer without debate; but his decision
may for causes assigned, be controlled by the Society. If there
be a doubt on his mind, he may call for the sense of the Society.
All motions shall be reduced to writing, and read as often as any
member may desire it. The yeas and nays on any question shall
be taken, when demanded by five members. Whilst a question
is pending, no motion shall be received, unless for amendment,
the previous question, to postpone, to lie on the table, to com-
mit, or to adjourn. On an amendment being submitted, a
member who has spoken may speak again on the proposed
amendment. A motion for adjournment shall not be put whilst
the Society is engaged in voting: on all other occasions, such
motion is in order, and shall be decided without debate. All
propositions, debates or measures not herein before provided for,
shall be subjected to the rules which obtain in legislative assem-
blies. There shall be no controversy or discussion on matters of
religion or government; whoever persists, after due admonition,
shall be deemed guilty of misbehavior, and may be fined in sum
not exceeding five dollars. When the presiding officer shall call
to order, or require the members to take their seats, every mem-
ber who shall refuse to comply therewith shall be liable to vote
of censure from the Society. A member who shall behave him-
self in an improper or disorderly manner, shall pay a sum not
exceeding ten dollars, and may, by a vote of the Society, be or-
dered to retire, and shall not resume his seat in the Society,
until the fine imposed be paid.
Section 1. At any meeting of the Society a Committee to con-
sist of not less than five members, may, on motion, be appointed
to prepare an entire new Code of Rules, or such alterations and
additions to any of the existing Rules as may be deemed neces-
sary, which Committee shall report at a specified time, unless
they ask for further time upon a report of progress, and such
reasonable time may be granted to them as the meeting shall
think expedient.
Sec. 2. The Rule or Rules reported by any Committee ap-
pointed to alter or amend them, sliall have three readings at
least, at three different meetings; the first for information, the
second for discussion, and at the third shall be either confirmed
or rejected without debate, unless at such second reading notice
be given by some member, in writing, that on the third reading
he intends to move to strike out, alter or amend any reported
Rule or pare thereof; in which case the subject of such motion
alone mast be discussed.
Sec. .3. On the adoption of a new Code of Rules, the ques-
tion shall be taken on each Rule separately, and if adopted by
a majority of two-thirds of the members present shall form a
By-Law of this Society, to operate as soon as the whole is dis-
posed of.
Sec. 4. For the adoption of any new Rule or Rules, or amend-
inents or additions to any of the existing Rules, a majority of
two-tliirds of the members present shall be necessary, and if
more than one Rule be under discussion, the question shall be
taken upon them separately. Previous to each reading as above,
the members of the Society shall, by public advertisement in
one or more of the Charleston gazettes, be notified to attend.
1st SEPTEMBER, 17^7, to the 23u APRIL, 1889.
1 John NeuI'villf Sopt'r 1 173?
2 Lewis Lonnier '• . . . 1 . . . .
3 Williutn Pnitler '• . . . 1
4 . . . E David Dalbiac '•■... 1 ... .
5 John BonneUieau ••...!....
6 Samuel Gleser '• . . . 1 . . . .
7 . . . E Peter Boqnet '•■...!...
8 Lewis Janvier • • . . . 1 . . . .
9 ... E ... . David D'Lescure "... 1 ... .
10 . . . E Matthew Vanall '• . . . 1 . . . .
11 Moreau Sarazeu "... 6 ... .
12 Jauies You " . . . G ...
13 Philip Prioleau '• . . . 13 . . .
14 . . . E Tho-mas Tew Oct'r 11...
1 5 ... E ... ? Gabriel Guignard ... Nov'r 1 . . .
16 ... E Henry Campbell •• . . 29 . . .
17 ... E Isaiah Brunet " . . 29 . . .
IS ... E ... . Rieliard Herbert, Jr Dec'r (! . . .
19 C'harles Craven .... " . . . G . . .
20 Moses Audebert " . . . G . . .
21 Laurence Coulliet ". .27. - .
22 Andrew Dupuy Jan'y 3 . . .
23 Thomas Robinson ' ' . . . 3 . . .
24 - - E ... . Benjamin Addison " . . . 3 . . .
25. . .E. . . .John Bee •• . . . 3 . .
26 ... E Elias Coffee " . . . 3 . . .
27 William Sterland '^ . .3. . .
28 ... E Hugh Evans - • . . . 3 . . .
29.. .E.... William Pollard '-..,3...
30 ... E ... . George Helm - ' . . . 3 . . .
31 ... E ... . Joseph Eiddler " . . 10 . . .
3'J .
40 .
53 .
57 .
65 .
(iO .
. Lewis Timothy Jan'y 17
James Withers " . . 17
, Peter Shepherd "..17
Edward Bulhird '' . . 17
Eice Price " . . 24
Jacob Woolford ".21
Alexander Smith Feb'y 28
Henry Hamiiion March 7
Peter Hume "... 7
Cxriftith Ballard "..21
Emanuel Smith " . . 21.
Samuel Prioleau April 4
John llai'iis " . . 11
. Alexander Sands "..11
.John Iviveis "' . . 11
. William Payner "..11
. Thomas Weaver " . . 18
.Nathaniel Partridge "..18
. Tljomas Yiney "' . . 25
. Abraham Croft Xov'r 14 ... . . .
. Henry Williams Dec'r Hi
. Petei- Dallas " . . 1 IJ
. J ohn Lardner. Jan'y 2 1
. Thomas Legare " . . .*J
. James A'aughn " . . 16
. Peter Benoist Feb'y 6
. Robert Paper "... 0
. Eobert A'aughn "' . . 20
John John.son April 24
. Stephen Beauchamp May 1
■ (leorge Logan "... 8
. Henry Fletcher June 5
. Alexander Cramahe Nov'r 6
. Matthew Roche " . . 13
. Francis Holmes ... . " . . 13
John Shormerhorn "..13
Francis Corbin "' . . 20
. John. Savage . " . . 27
. Abraham Kniglit . . . April 22 1
John Peirnefather " . . 29
72 . . E . . . Francis Roche May 15 1740
73 John Rattray July 1 ''
74 John Johnston Oct'r 28 '•'
75 Isaac Child Dec'r 9 ''
76 Thomas Crosthwaite Jan'y 6 1741
77 John Beekman ^^ . 13 "
78 John Cordes " . . 13 "
79 Johr Royer '' . . 13 ''
80 Heur ■, Gignilliat Feb'y 3 "
81 John E.yer '' . . . 3 "
82 Stephen Hartley " . . ] 7 "
83 James Thompson Jan'y 5 .... 1 742
84 John Roberson "..12 "
85 William Glen " . . 13 "
86 Samuel Davison "..19 .."
87 Thomas Lee. Feb'y 23 "
88 . . E Peter Poinsett March 20 "
89 Kennedy O'Brien June 29 "
90 John Redman July 27 "
91 John Murray, Oct'r 19 "
92 Hugh Cartwright " . . 19 "
93 ... E Nicholas Burnham " . . 19 "
94 Thomas Harden " . . 19 "
95 ... E James Barrett " . . 26 "
96 ... E ... . Thomas Chapman ".. 26 ..... "
97 John Mason " . . 26 "
98 Patrick Tailfer Nov'r 16 "
99 ... E ... < Richard Herbert . . Jan'y 11 1743
100 . . . E John Daniel " . . 18 "
1 David Brown ". . 18 "
2 Richard Muncreef " . . 25 "
3 Anthony Furnis Feb'y 1 "
4 Benjamin Addison July 19 "
5 Michael Jeanes August 2 "
6 John Muncreef Oct'r 4 "
7 Peter Laurens "... 4 "
8 Thomas Doughty Jan'y 3 1744
9 Charles Codner " . . 24 "
110 Robert Corsan Oct'r 30 "
1 Henry Christie Feb'y 12 .... . 1745
112 Archibald Young March 26 1745
3 Vincent Leaycraft " . .26 "
4 Stephen Cater " . . 26 "
5 Jeremiah Theus April 23 "
6 James Potter May 14 "
7 James Eodger ''..21 "
8 Elisha Poinsett July 9 "
9 . . . E William Roberts Sept'r 17 "
120 ... E William Savage Oct'r 29 "
1 Joseph Gaultier "..29 "
2 Esaie Brunet Nov'r 5 "
3 - - Henry Beckman "... 5 "
4 . . . E Samuel Carne March 11 1746
5 Robert Cleland ..."..18 "
6 Joseph Brown May 27 "
7 James McKelvy June 17 "
8 . . . E ... Charles Carrol Dec'r 23 "
9 Thomas Summersett JSTov'r 11 "
130 . . . E . . . John Troubidet Jan'y 6 1747
1 Benjamin Savage, Jr ". .13 "
2 John McCall " . . 13 "
3 Benjamin Matthews " . . 13 "
4...E John Simons "..27 "
5 ... E ... . Samuel Burrows ....".. 27 "
6. . E John Wilkins "..27 "
7 William Dandridge March 31 "
8 Joseph Meredith " . . 31 "
9 ... E ... . James Verree " . . 31 "
140 Samuel Wainwright April 21 "
1 William Hall June 2 "
2 Alexander Taylor August 18 ...... "
3 Lambert Lance Dec'r 1 "
4 Arthur Gould " . . 22 "
5 . . . E James Davidson . Jan'y 19 1748
6 Humphrey Sommers .... Feb'y 9 "
7 John Yerworth " . . 16 "
8 . . . E Abraham Snelling " . . 23 "
9 Thomas Poole ... March 15 "
150 John Snelling " . . 22 "
1 Timothy Philips "..22 "
153 Solomon Milner March 29 1748
3 George Beclon '' . . 29 "
4 Samuel Hurst " .29 "
5 Charles Stevenson " . . 29 "
6 Theodore Trezevant "..29 "
7 Thomas Ellis April 5 ..... "
8 . . . E John Rothmahler " . . . 5 "
9 Greorge Marshall August 22 "
160 . . . E . . . Conner Booth Oct'r 11 "
1 Mark-Anthony Beseslleau Dec'r G "
2... E.... John Corbett March 7 1749
3 Daniel You April 18 "
4 John Smith May 16 "
5 Barnard Beekman June 6 "
6. ..E.... Edward Stiles "...6 "
7 William Burrows Nov'r 14 "
8 ... E ... . Wiseman James ....".. 28 "
9 Joseph Wragg, Jr Jan'y 30 1750
170 Ralph Taylor FeVy 20 "
l...E....John Neufville "..27 "
2 . . . E John Cooper " . . 27 "
3 William Air Jan'y 5 ....1751
4 John Chapman "... 1 "
5 Joseph Hutchins "... 8 "
6 Benjamin Dart Feb'y 12 "
7 George Smith March 12 "
8 George Sheed, Jr " . . 12 "
9 Edward Swan "..12 "
180 Paul Townseud " . . 26 "
1 Joseph Pickering May 28 . . . . . . "
2 John Raven July 2 "
3 Christopher Easton Sept'r 24 "
4 Robert Weaver Nov'r 12 "
5 . . . E Richard Martson " . . 19 "
6 Thomas Arnott Dec'r 3 "
7 Robert McKenzie Jan'y 14 n.s. 1752
8 Samuel Kynaston Oct'r 10 "'
9 John Pickering Jan'y 30 1753
190 Samuel Ball Feb'y 6 "
1 John Prue "...13 "
192 Jamet Adam April 17 1753
3 Charles Pinckney, Jr May 8 "
4 Buroh Evans " • . 8 "
5 William Ancram ■• ^ . . 8 ''
6 James Grindlay ^' . . 15 "
7 ....•-. . Henry Laurens " . . 15 "
8 Hugh Anderson " . . 15 "
9 Joseph Dill "..15 •'
200 John Scott June 5 "
1 Edward Neufville ''' . . .5 "
2 William Scott ''.-12 "
3 Robert Baldwin " . . 19 "
4 Charles You "..19 "
5 David Stephens " . . 19 '
6 Thomas Gordon ■. ". 26 "
7 Alexander Garden, Jr July 3 "
8 . . . . ... Rawlins Lowndes " . . 10 "
9 Artemus Elliott Sept'r i "
10 William Gibbes 1^o\'y 6 "
1 John Paul Grimke ''' . . 20 "
2 William White " . . 20 "
3 John Browne " .20 "
4. . . E Samuel Phillips " . . 27 "
5 William Townsend Dec'r 11 "
6 ....... . John Seymer Jan'y 15 ... . 1754
7 James Fowler Feb y 12 "
8 John Ernest Poyas •' . . 19 "
9 Michael Pickering March 20 "
220 George Matthewes April 16 "
1 Thomas Yonng "' . . 16 " .
2 John Oyston. "..30 "
3 William Roper "..30 "
4 Benjamin Smith .•' . . 30 "
5 Samuel Miller " . . 30 "'
6 Christopher Gadsden May 7 "
7 Luke Stoutenburg .......".. .7- . • •"
8 Sampson Neyle " . . 14 "
9 Jacob Mot te " . . 14 . . . "
idO ... E .... . Benjamin Yarnold " . . 14 '
1 John Raines "..14 "
3 .
5 .
260 .
O .
< •
, Daniel Crawford Ji^ly 1^ 1754
. George Chisman August 13 "
, John McQueen " . . 13 "
Kobert Philip ... Sept'r 3 "
. James Michie ISTov'r 19 "
. Henry Livingston Dec'r 31 "
John Lloyd . . Jany 21 1755
, William Lloyd Feb'y 4 "
. Thomas Smith, Jr Oct'r 21 "
. George Ingles - "^ ' . . 21 "
. John Copithorn Jan'y 6 175G
.John Guerard " 13 "
James Glen March 23 "
■ Thomas You Ajoril 6 "
. Francis Lee ' ^ . . 6 "
. Peter Leigh ... ''' . . 13 "
, E . . . . John Boss " . . 27 "
. E . . . . William Dickinson May 4 . . ."
.E Richard Clark '^ ..4 "
E. . . .George Curling "'. .18 "
Daniel Cannon June 8 "
Charles Warham " . . 29 ''
. Jacob Viart July 6 "
■ Josiah Dickinson "... 6 "
■ William Robertson August 24 '•
■ Charles Lowndes .... Nov'r 23 "
■ Henry Peronneau Dec'r 7 "
. William Moultrie March 29 1757
. Peter Manigault " . . 29 "
. Ralph Izard '^ . 29 ...... ''
. George Appleby . . "' . . 29 "
. John Milner ■ • April 5 "^
. Christopher Rogers " . . 26 "
. John Jones Feb'y 7 1 758
. Samuel Peronneau March 21 "
. Ichabod Atwell April 11 "
. Archibald Stobo May 2 "
. Richard Park Stobo "... 2 "'
. Tunis Tebout Sept'r 12 ...... •'
. John Torrans Oct'r 17 "
272 ... E ... . Joseph Nutt Oct'r 17 1758
3 John Lloyd '^.17 "
4 . . . E . . . Francis Pike Nov'r 7 "
5 George Smith ".. .7 "
6 John Postell '' . . 21 "
7 David Deas Dec'r 5 "
8 Andrew Fesch ''..12 "
9 Thomas Liston '' . . 26 "
280 Robert Smith March 20 1759
1 Walter McAiiley April 3 "
2 Miles Brewton "..10 "
3 Peter Timothy " . . 10 ''
4 William Vanvelsen May 8 "
5. . .E Thomas Stone, Jr Sept'r 17 "
6 John McKenzie Feb'y 5 1760
7 Thomas Savage May 6 "
8 William Savage "..A] "
9 Robert Boyd June 24 "
290 John Stevens July 1 '' '
1 ... E ... . James Strachan Oci'v 7 • • • . "
2 ... E ... . Jonathan Sarazin " . . 14 "
3 William Blake "..28 "
4 John Benfield Nov'r 4 "
5 . . . E Robert Cooper March 10 1761
6 Thomas Gadsden April 21 "
7 ... E ... . Samuel Ball, Jr " . . 21 "
8 Daniel Doyley " . . 28 "
9 John Parnham J une 2 "
300 Thomas Poole ...''... 9 "
1.... ....Jacob Motte, Jr "..16 "
2 Thomas Farr, Jr July 7 "
3 William Logan " . . 14 "
4 John Logan " . . 14 "
5 Jacob Warley "..21 "
6 Christopher Holson " . . 28 "
7 William Bampfield Sept'r 15 "
8 John Stevenson Oct'r 13 "
9 William Withers Nov'r 3 "
310 Maurice Harvey Jan'y 11 1762
1 , . Thomas Loughton Smith March 30 "
313 Arthur Peronneau March 30 1763
3 Lionel Chambers April 6 . . . . . . "
4 John Gordon '' . . 13 "
5 Samuel Hopkins May 18 "
6 . . . E John Wagner July 17 "
7 ... E ... . Oholmondeley Dering August 17 "
8 James Poyas '^.31 "
9 Joseph Dacre Wilton Nov'r 30 ''
330 Thomas Ferguson , Dec'r 7 "
1 John Clapp ^' . . 38 "
3 William Eaven Jan'y 4 1763
3 Daniel Blake '^ . 35 "
4 ... E ... . Christopher Franklin Feb'y 33 "
5 Thomas Bee March 8 "
0 Peter Mazyck •' . . . 8 "
7 Thomas Lind May 17 "
8 William Mazyck June 14 "
9 Theodore Gaillard, Jr " . . 31 "
330 William Fair "..31 "
1 John Dawson ... '^ . 31 "
3 Samuel Prioleau, Jr Sep't 30 "
3 John Withers Nov'r 15 "
4 Eichard Withers " . . 15 "
5 Francis Withers " . . 15 "
6 . . . E Charles Smith Dec'r 30 "
7 Peter Bounetheau " . . 30 "
8 . . . R Isaac Huger May 1 1764
9 Isaac Motte '^ . . 1 ''
340 James Smith July 3 .....''
1 . . . E Edward Martin " . . 10 '"
3 Maurice Jones "^ . . 10 "
3 John Deas , Oct'r 3 "
4 Maurice Simmons Dec'r 4 "
5 John McCall, Jr " . . 35 . . "
6 . . . E Bellamy Crawford Jan'y 8 1765
7 . Adam Daniel " . . S3 "
8 George Logan " . . 33 "
9 James Sharp March 19 "
350 William M. Crostwaite April 16 "
1 Joel Holmes ''..16 "
352...E....Egerton Leigh July 9.... 1765
3 Thomas Grimball, Jr Oct'r 1 "
4 Benjamin Gruerard '' . . 8 "
5 William Glen, Jr March 4 1766
6...E....Eobert Dillon "...4. "
7 ... E ... . John Sandford Dart '' . . 11 ''
8 James Johnson '*.. 25 ..... ''
9 Arnout Schermerhorn April 8 "
360 Eoger Pinckney July 1 "
1 George Parker Sept'r 16 "
2 Charles Stevens Stocker . ...... Nov'r 4 "
3 William Hales. . ' Jan'y 13 -...1767
4 Thomas Doughty 'v 27 "
5 Henry Slade '. . March 17 "
6 Benjamin Webb " . 26 "
7 Peter Porcher April 28 '•'
8 Isaac Lesesne, Jr May 26 "
9 ....... . Andrew Eutledge " . . 26 "
370 Charles Motte July 21 "
1 . . . E Eoger Smith August 25 "
2 James McCall Oct'r 27 "
3 John Webb March 29 1768
4 William Eichardson '^ .29 ''
5 William Doughty ''..29 ''
6 William Miller ."^ June 12 "
7 Joseph Verree Oct'r 18 "
8 Elisha Poinsett, Jr Sept'r 5 1769
9 Eobert Muncreef ''.-12 "
380 William Williamson '' . . 12 "
* 1 . . . E . . . Benjamin Matthewes Oct'r 17 "
2 John Scott, Jr Nov'r 7 "
3 John Lightwood " . • 14 "
4 ... E ... . Simon Schermerhorn March 6 1770
5 T. Knighton May 1 "
6 William Air Sept'r 18 ...... '>'
7 Philip Hawkins Oct'r 9 "
8... E.... Daniel Bordeaux ''..16 "
9 William Lee " . . 15 "
390 Simeon Theus " . . 16 "
1 Peter Stevenson Jan'y 22 1771
392 . . E ... Peter Schermerhorn Jan'y 22 1771
3 Francis Sheppard - ...".. 29 "
4 Alexander Alexander Eeb'y 19 *'
5 Felix Warley March 27 "
6 William Chisman June 11 "
7 Stephen Lee " . . 25 "
8 Thomas Hall, Jr July 9 "
9 ... E ... . Edward Taylor Sept'r 24 ''
400 John Warham Oct'r 8 "
1 Philotheos Chiffelle '' . . . 8 "
2 John Dart Nov'r 26 "
3...E....E. W. Powell Dec'r 17 "
4 James Wakefield ''..24 '
5 Thomas Jones. April 21 1772
6 William Hopkins May 5 "
7 Nicholas Langford ''. .5 "
8 William Hort. Sept'r 15 "
9...E ...William Scott, Jr "..15 '•'
410. . .E. . . . John McQueen Oct'r 27 ''
1 Joel Poinsett March 9 1773
2 Jacob Warley, Jr "..23 "
3 George Warley " . .23 "
4 John L. Gervais "..30 "
5 Samuel Porcher April 6 "
G William Roper "... 6 "
7... E... John Neufville, Jr "..13 "'
8 Joseph Creighton ". .27 "
9 ... E ... . James Stephenson " . . 27 "
420... E.... Samuel Price "..27 "
1 John Garden May 4 "
2 William Axson, Jr June 8 "
3 . . ..'!.. Samuel Legare .......". .22 "
4 ... E ... . William Davison. Nov'r 16 "
5 John Cordes Dec'r 7 "
6 Gabriel Capers April 5 1774
7 Benjamin Fuller " . . 5 "
8 Tucker Harris June 14 "
9...E....Eobert D. Holiday July 12 "
430 ... E ... . Edward Savage " . . 12 "
1 Edward Rutledge " . . 19 "
432 James Amoss July 19 1774
3 . . . E Thomas Phepoe '' . . 19 '•'
4 Paul Warley Nov'r 1 •'
5 - . ■ Thomas Cordes Dec'r 20 . . . . ' •
6 Hext Prioleau " . . 27 "
7 Benjamin Legare July 31 1775
8 William Roberts May 2 "
9... E.... John White "--16 "
440 Joshua Lockwood '^ . 30 "
1 Hugh Anderson Augus 29 "
2 James Ballantine April 23 1776
3 Thomas Weaver July 30 "
4 Philip Prioleau Sept'r 3 "
5 Richard Muncreef, Jr Oct'r 29 "
6 Charles Warham, Jr " . . 29 "
7 James Bentham Jan^y 14 1777
8 George Logan '' . . 14 "
9 Edward Allen '^.21 ''
450 John Newton Hartley '* . . 28 "
1 Charles Shepheard April 1 "
2 James Neilson " . . 22 "
3 Samuel Miller May 20 "
4 Thomas Lesesne July 1 "
5 David Dubose ''.. 1 "
6 Joseph Warley August 1 "
7 John Theus Sept'r 16 "
8 ....... . John Huger Oct'r 14 "
9 ... R .... N. Eveleigh " . . 14 "
460 Philip Neyle ■- " . . 14 "
1 Thomas Hammett Dec'r 2 "
2 J. Theus "...2 "
3 James Sharp Feb'y 17l'. . . 1778
4 William Rudhall '' . . 24 ''
5 John Baddely , '^ . 24 "
6 W. H. Gibbes.... March 17 "
7 ........ P. Valton " . . 24 "
8 David Warham ".24 "
9.... ....William Long ' "..31 "
470 Erasmus Audly " . . 31 "
1 ... E ... . Richard Wainwright April 14 "
472 John Walter Gibbes April 21 1778
3 . . . E. . . -Benjamin Smith ". .21 . . . .
4 Henry Crouch '' . . 28 • . . .
5 . . . E Edward Trescot " . . 28 . . . .
f) Kichard Savage May 5
7 Richard Mercer " . . 12
8 ... E ... . James Anderson June 9 . . . .
9 William Hall '' . . 16 . . . .
480 Henry Peronneau --rr: ". . 16. . . .
1 Ofhneil Giles '' , . 23 . . . .
2 Charles Frederick Moreau " . . 23
3 ... E .... R. A. Rapley ^' . . 23 . . .
4 ... E ... . Williani Mason " . . 30 . . . .
5 Sol. Milner July 7. . . .
6 William Downes _..''... 7
7 John Raven Matthews '' . . . 7 • . - .
8 Thomas Gordon " . . 14
9 William Graham Sept'r 22
490 . . . E C. Schermerhorn " . . 22
1 Richard Cole Oct'r 6 . . . .
2 . . . E ... George Carter "... 6 ... .
3... E.... John F. Grimke "..13. ..
4 Thomas Gadsden " . . 13
5 Ralph Izard, Jr " . . 13 . . . .
6 . . . E . . . . Daniel Huger '• . . 13 - . . .
7 Benjamin Huger " . . 13 . . . .
8 . . . E Thomas Pinckney " . . 20 ...
9 . . . E William Moultrie, Jr " . . 20
500 Jacob Boomer Nov'r 10 ... -
1 J. Ward Jan'y 19 1779
2 . . . E William AY. Burrows " 26
3 Thomas Cochran '' . . 26 ...
4 . .E. . . .Charles Pinckney. Feb'y 23 ... .
5 Daniel Stevens June 8,. . . .
6 R. Buchanan ....".. 8 . . . .
7 James Ferguson " . . 22 . . .
8. . .E. .. .Septimus Robeson ... . "..29....
9 Thomas Giles July 6 . . . .
510 Richard Gough " . . 13 . . . .
1 Lambert Lance " . . 20 - . . .
512 Stephen Duvall July 17 1779
3 ... E ... . Lewis Lestarjette " . . 27 "
4 Francis Kinloch August 3 "
5 T. Saunders '' . . 10 ''
6 Job Colcock ''..10 "
7 Eli Kershaw " . . 10 "
8 Eichard Lushington , '^ . 17 ''
9. ..R John Gibbons ". .17 "'
520.. .E Thomas Bourke '^ .24 "
1 Daniel Jenkins " . . 24 "
2 William Neufville "..24 "
3 ... E ... . William Burt '' . . 24 "
4 . . . E John Smith, Jr '' . . 31 "
5 . . . R John Blake " . . 31 "
6 Samuel Ash *' . . 31 '"
7 Robert Lithgow ''..31 "
8 George Tew Sept'r 7 "
9 Robert Howard " . . 28 "
530 Anthony Toomer "..28 "
1 John Lesesne Oet'r 12 "
2 , Sims White " . . 12 "
3 . . . E ... Stephen Drayton " . . 12 "
4 . . .E . . . . Edward Elfe " . . 19 "
5 William Weyman ...''.. 26 "
6 William Johnson " . . 26 . . "
7 William Trusler '• . . 26 "
8 William Gowdey "..26 "
9 Mark Morris Mov'r 2 "
540 John Calvert "... 2 "
1 McCally Righton "... 2 "
2 William Henderson "... 2 "
3 Thomas Rutledge "•...2 "
4 John Bryan "... 9 "
5 Edward North "...9 "
6 James Guilladeau "... 9 "
7 J. Peronneau "...9 "
8 Edward Legge "... 9 "
9...E....J. Parker "...9 "
550 William Skirving "... 9 "
1 Robert Ladson "... 9 "
552 . . . E . . Isaac Holmes Nov'r 9 1779
3 Thomas Waring " . 16 ... .
4 John D. Miller '' . . 16
5 Samuel Stent *' . . 16
6 Daniel Smith ^'..16....
7 Thomas Fell "..23
8 William B. Hutchins "..30....
9 William Print ...".. 30
560 Joseph Lafar Dec'r 7 • . . .
1 John Dorsius "... 7 ...
3 Clement Conyers "... 7 ... .
3 Norwood Conyers "... 7 ... .
4... E.... John Hart ...."...7....
5 Hopson Pinckney " . . 14 . . .
6 . . . E George Melvin " . . 14
7 James Strickland " . . 14 . . . .
8 John Brailsford " . . 21 • . . .
9 . . . E Joseph Atkinson " . . 28
570 Stephen Seymour ". .28 . . . .
1 Benjamin Villepontoux " . . 28 . . . .
2 John Edwards, Jr " . . 28
3 Samuel Perdriau " . . 28 • • . -
4 John Cox " . . 28 . . . .
5 Eobert Brown " . . 28
6.. .E.... John C. Smith "..28
7 John J. Haig " . . 28
8 Oliver Hart, Jr " . . 28 . . . .
9 John Ruberry Jan'y 4 1780
580 Samuel Shepherd ". . .4. . . .
1 Tobias Cambridge ". . .4. - . .
2 Jeremiah Dickinson "... 4 ... .
3 • . . E . . . . Benjamin Waller "... 4 ... .
4...E.. .John Bonniott "...4....
5 . . . E . . . . Wade Hampton Feb'y 8 . . . .
6 Thomas Hughes " . . 15 . . . .
7 George Dener " . . 15 . . . .
8 Keating Simons " . . 29
9 Hext McCall March 14
590 ... E John Morison July 9 1781
1 William Bennie June 18 1782
592 ... E Joseph Brown Jau y 14 1783
3 William Washington '' . . 14 "
4 Downham Newton . . .March 25 "■
5 ... E ... . Henry Putnam Oct'r 21 "
6 Benjamin Darrell "28 "
7 Isaac Chambers " . 28 "
8 . . . E Alexander Moultrie Dec'r 2 "
9 JohnE. Poyas March 16 1784
600 John Kneeshaw April 13 "
1 . . . E William Thompson July 6 "
2 Thomas Pinckney " . . 27 "
3 Benjamin Eussell Dec'r 28 "
4 John Lloyd, Jr March 8 1785
5 John Postell, son of John July 12 ''
6 Gabriel Manigault - . . . " 12 "
7 John Harbison '' . . 26 "
8 Thomas Postell August 9 "
9 . . . E Abraham Motte - Dec'r 20 "
610 ... E Edward Allen, Jr Jan'y 10 1786
1 George Savage July 18 "
2 Archar Smith " . . 25 "
3 James Theus Nov'r 28......''
4 ....... . Samuel Theus ........".. 28 - . . ."
5 Francis Bonneau March 20 1787
6 Charles Ferguson, Jr "' . . 27 "
7 Charles Brown July 3 "
8 Peter Porcher ". .-3 "
9 Joseph Righton ". . .3 "
620 Henry Gibbes '^.10 "
1. . .E. . . . W\ H. Torrans Sept'r 11 ''
2 Charles Kershaw March 4 . . . 1788
3 . . . E Christopher Rogers, Jr April 8 '*
4 Peter M. Neuf ville Oct'r 14 "
5 George Bampfield •'. .14 "
6 John Williams Feb'y 10 1789
7 . . . R John David Vale April 14 "
8 Thomas Lockwood June 30 "
9 John H. Harris Dec'r 15 "
630 ... E Peter Trezevant Jan'y 15 1790
1 John Spiessegger, Jr April 27 "
032 John Bounetheau May 4 1 790
3 William Miller ''..11 "
4 John Ward June 33 "
5 ... E ... . Edward Weyman, Jr July 6 "
6 William Newton " . . 13 "
7 James H. Thomson ".. 13 ••••.. "
8. . .E. . . -Isaac Neufville August 10 "
9 ... E ... . William Shirtliff " . . IG "
640 Thomas Lee , Jan'y 1 1791
1 Thomas Lowndes Feb'y 15 "
3 Thomas Turner " . . 15 "
3 Eobert Vardell ....".. 32 "
4 John Logan " . . 22 "
5 Joseph Dill, Jr " . . 22 "
6 ..... . . John McOall March 39 "
7 Jeremiah Eose " . . 29 "
8. Eobert Austin "..29 "
9 William Sergeant " . . 29 "
650 Samuel Eivers " . . 29 "
1 ... E ... . Daniel Cahill April 5 "
2...E John Markland "..19 "
3... E.... Charles Tew "..26 "
4 Henry Laurens, Jr May 3 "
5 Thomas Tew " . . 17 "
6 Joseph Veree' "..24.... .."
7 Isaac Chandler June 7 "
8 George Wagner " . . 7 "
9 Isaac Huger, Jr July 19 "
660 Francis Huger " . . 19 "
1 . . . E . . . Alexander Inglis ".. 19 ...... "
2 ... E ... . William Marshall " . . 19 "
3 Thomas Buckle August 16 "
4...E William Inglis Oct'r 4 ."
5 Francis Dickinson Dec'r 20 ......"
6 J. Miller Jan'y 3 1793
7 Lewis Trezevant ". . .3 "
8 Thomas Martin "..31 "
9 James O'Hear "..31 "
670 Isaac Edwards FeVy 7 "
1 ... R ... . Eobert G. Harper "... 7 "
672 ... E Edward B. Morgan March 13 1792.
3 . . . E John C. Folker . . . = " . . 27
4 Isaac M. Dart " . . 27 • . . •
5 Richard Wrainch April 10 ... .
6 William Jones '' . . 10
7 George Eout May 22
8 ....... . Anthony Gabeau June 12 ... •
9 William Marshall July 3
680 Thomas Cordes, Jr - "..31
1 Thomas Ogier ". .31 . . . .
2 John Gaillard, Jr August 7 . . . .
3 . . Samuel Prioleau,, Jr. "^ . . 28 . . . .
4 Isaac Mazyck '' . . 28 . . . .
5 Thomas Simons - ^' . . 28 . . . .
6 William Mazyck Sept'r 4
7 Samuel Porcher " . . 4 . . . .
S Samuel Gaillard ''..11
9 Theodore Gaillard, Jr '' . . 18
690 John G. Mayer Oct'r 9
1 . . . E Tliomas R. Graham '' . . 16
2 James Reid Nov'r 13
3 Richard Wyatt ''..13....
4 John White " . . 20
5 James Macomb " . . 27 . . . .
6 James Poyas Jan'y 27 1793
7 Thomas H. Forrest *. Feb'y 5
8 Thomas Porcher " . . 5 . . . .
9 Samuel Wilson ,..".. 26
700 A. Ross June 12
1 Thomas Roper 3\Wy 2 . . . .
2 Robert Howard, Jr August 20 ... .
3 ... E ... . Thomas Elfe " . . 27
4 Edward Poulton Sept'r 17 ... .
5 Charles I. Air Oct'r 1 . . . .
6 Alexander Tweed " . . 29
7 . Isaac Teasdale "..29
8 George Whitfield " . . 29 ...
9 James Morrison " . 29 ... .
710 Thomas Keen Nov'r 26....
1 William B. Mitchell Dec'r 3 . . . .
712 James Courtney Dec. 3 1793
3 ...Robert Gibson "..24 ''
4 John H. Mitchell Jan'y 7 1794
5 William Johnson, Jr ''. . . 7 ''
6 John L. Poyas "..14 "
7 Benjamin F. Timothy "..14 "
8 Theodore Gourdine " . . 14 "
9... E.... Stephen Thomas "..21 "
720 John E. Moore Feb'y 11 "
1 . . . E Roger Pinckney March 18 "
2 George Parker April 22 "
3 . . . E John Geyer July 8 "
4 Humphrey Courtney "... 8 "
5 Daniel D'Oyley "..29 "
6 Henry Deas Sept'r 2 "
7 John Ruberry, Jr "..16 "
8... E.... John M. Davis ■. Oct'r 7 "
9... E ...Philip Gadsden "..14 "
730 Casper P. Shutt "..21 "
1 John G. Torrans Dec'r 16 "
2 David Alexander "..30 "
3 Thomas Brodie Jan'y 6 1795
4. George Veree March 17. . . -. . "
5 Francis Saltus "..17 "
6 . . . E Henry Bampfield May 12 "
7... R.... Thomas Bampfield "..19 "
8 . . . E . , . Henry Bampfield " . . 19 "
9 Matthew Hayden July 23 "
740 . . . E James Ballantine Oct'r 5 "
1 James Scott Dec'r 8 "
2 John C. Prioleau "..29 "
3 James M. Ward Feb'y 9 1796
4 Charles Hill May 10 "
5 Francis Motte "..31 "
6 ... E ... . George Pelor June 28 "
7 ... E ... . James Ladson, Jr July 19 "
8 Johnson Hagood August 16 "
9 Thomas Radcliffe Oct'r 11 "
750 Jeremiah A. Yates Nov'r 22 "
1 Luke Swain " . . 29 "
753 Simon Magwood Dec'r 13 1796
3 James Futerell " . . 27 "
4... E.... John Glen, Jr Jan'y 17 1797
5 Hugh Patterson April 4 "
6 Alexander Alexander, Jr Sept'r 26 ''
7 Keating L. Simons Oct'r 10 "
8 John Johnson, Jr "..17 "
9 Lewis Ogier Nov'r 14 "
760... E.... John Hodgson "..28 "
1 ... E ... . William Alexander Dec^r 26 "
2 Joseph Johnson Feb'y 7 1798
3 Alexander Garden March 6 "
4 John Bold April 3 "
5 Jacob Axson May 8 "
6 . . . R Joseph Peach " . . 29 "
7.. .E Anthony Toomer, Jr "..29 "
8 William Logan, Jr June 5 *'
9 Eobert Verree " . . 19 "
770 Edward B. Legge July 24 "
1 William Dawson March 26 1799
2 David Cruger July 2 "
3 James George.... "..23 "
4 George Doner Sept'r 24 "
5 John F. Kern Oct'r 8 "
6 George Lockey Jan'y 14 1800
7 Edward B. Nowell FeVy 18 "
8 . . . E Gabriel M. Bounetheau March 25 "
9 . . . E John Garman April 22 "
780 Micah Jenkins " . . 22 "
1 Charles Snowden May 6 "
2 Henry W. DeSaussure. . . . '. July 29 "
3 . . . E John Bee Holmes August 12 "
4 Thomas Bennett " . . 12 "
5 Edward Simons Oct'r 7 "
6 John Fabre "..14 "
7 John Dawson, Jr "..14 "
8 Eichard Yeadon Nov'r 4 "
9 John Bull Dec'r 9 "
790 Samuel E. Axson " . . 23 "
1 ... K .... J. R. Poinsett " . . 30 "
792 Richard F. Howard Jan'y 6 1801
3 Gustavus B. Wallace ". ..6.. "
4 William Rnberry "..27 "
5 James Gabeau March 17 "
6 Thomas Sheppard '^ . 24 "
7 . . • R . • . . Sinclair D. Gervais June 30 "
8 Sims White July 7 "
9 . . . R Thomas Cochran, Jr "... 7 "
800 Seth Lothrop "..14 "
1 . . . E Edward W. Weyman " . . 21 "
2 R. Pringle March 9 1802
3 William Best "..23 "
4 William Lee, Jr July 13 "
5 David Deas Oct'r 12 "
6 David Denoon Nov'r 22 "
7 . . . R Benjamin Elfe ...".. 22 "
8 Thomas H. Jervey Jan'y 18 1803
9 . . . E ... John Howard Feb'y 8 "
810 William Johnston April 19 "
1 . . . E D. Bruckner " . . 19 "
2 Samuel B. Jones " . . 19 "
3 ... E ... . Isaac Prioleau " . . 26 "
4. . .R Stephen Lee, Jr May 24 "
5 James Browne ".. 24 ..... "
6 . . . E C. M. Logan , July 12 "
7 John Ball " . . 26 "
8 John Maine August 9 "
9 Daniel C. Webb Oct'r 4 "
820 O'Brien Smith "..18 "
1 James Broadfoot ".. 25 ..... "
2 Elias Smerdon Nov'r 15 "
3 Charles O'Hara " . . 22 "
4 Henry O'Hara Dec'r 27 "
5 John Legare Jan'y 10 1804
6 James Macbeth July 3 "
7. . .R. . . .John Simmons Bee ". . .3 "
8... E.... John H. McCall "...3 "
9 Joshua Lockwood, Jr " . , 10 "
830 Frederick Kohne "..10 "
1 . . . R Seaman Deas July 17 '^
833... E.... Robert Deas July 17 1804
3 ... R ... . Charles Deas " . . 17 "
4 Thomas H. Deas "..17 ''
5... K.... James S. Deas ''..17 "
6 E.L.Horry August 14 "
7 Samuel Verree "..14 "
8 Thomas Hinds " . . 14 "
9 John Scott " . . 14 "
840 James Lowndes Sept'r 11 "
1 Paul Hamilton ". . 11 "
2 ... E ... . William Smith, Sr " . ■ 11 "
3 . . . R . . - . Thomas Rhett Smith " . . 11 "
4... E.... Peter Smith Bee Oct'r 2 "
5 .W.P.Young "...2 "
6 William Bee "... 2 "
7 Charles John Steadman "...9 "
8 Charles Bishop " • . 30 "
9...E John Allen Nov'r 6 "
850 John S. Vanderhorst Dec'r 18 "
1 Philip G. Prioleau " . - 18 "
2. Josiah Taylor "..18 •"
3 Elias Ball "..18 "
4... E.... Daniel Creen "..25 "
5 B. W. Ruberry " 25 "
6... R.... Pauls. H. Lee Feb'y 12 ....1805
7 George W. Cross " • . 19 "
8 ... E ... . James H. Cambridge April 16 "
9 Lawrence M. Dawson ....".. 23 "
860 Stephen Mazyck, Jr July 2 "
1 Hext McCall August 6 "
2 ... E ... . Alexander Howard Oct'r 1 "
3 Henry H. Bacot "... 1 "
4... R.... John L. North "-.29 "
5 John Cochran Dec'r 3 "
6.... .David Bailey March 4 1806
7 R. B. North. ".18 "
8 William C. Hort "..25 "
9 William L. Smith Oct'r 14 "
870 George Logan " . • 21 "
1 Peter Smith Nov'r 4 "
872 Isaac Lesesne Jan'y 20 1807
3 Thomas A. Vardell "..27 "
4 H. W. Paxton March 24 "
5 William Yeaclon "..24 "
6 Jacob Read April 7 "
7 Tobias Bowles "..14 "
8 Adam Gilchrist "..28 "
9 William S. Bennett Oct^- 13 "
880 Myer Moses " . . 13 "
1 Lewis Groning . " . . 20 "
2 William Broadfoot " . . 20 "
3 James Cox Dec'r 8 "
4 James Garson "... 8 "
5 Eobert S. Hort Jan'y 12 1808
6 . . . R Felix B, Warley - March 8 "
7 Paul T. Jones May 17 "
8 ... E ... . Jonathan Bowers August 9 "
9 Samuel H. Lothrop . Sept'r 6 . . "
890 ... E John Teasdale, Jr " . . 20 "
1 . . . E Richard Teasdale " . . 20 "
2 . » Timothy McCormick " . . 27 "
3 Francis S. Lawson Oct'r 4 "
4 Charles P. Dawson ". . .4 "
5 John E. Bonneau ..."... 4 "
6.. .R J. E. A. Steinmetz ".. .4 "
7 ... E ... . Thomas P. Chiffelle "... 4 "
8 Job P. Miller " . . 11 "
9.. .E William H. Bentham "..11 "
900 John Huger "..11 "
1 Henry S. Poyas " . . 11 "
2 . . .• James Ferguson , " . . 25 "
3 . Samuel W. Ferguson Nov'r 1 "
4 Peter Gaillard, Jr "'.. .1 "
5 William Washington, Jr ". . .8 "
6 . . . R Joseph F. O'Hear " . . 16 "
7 James Brown .^. . . Jan'y 17 1809
8 . - . . ... James Jervey . . " . . 24 "
9 William Warley Oct'r 3 "
910 Joseph D. Lafar "..17 "
1 . . R . . . , Langdon Oheves Jan'y 30 1810
912 George Chisolm March 6 1810
3 Peter X. Lafar April 3 "
4 Joseph Yates "...3 *'
5... R.... Jacob Bond FOn "..10 "
6 . . . E James Bentham, Jr ' ' . . 10 "
7... E.... Joseph W. Clark... ''..24 "
8 Samuel Yates, Jr - ".24 "
9 Isaac Ball August 21 "
920 Henry B. Toomer Sept'r 11 "
1 .. R .... Thomas Bennett, Jr "..25 "
2 ... E ... . George A. Z. Smith Oct^r 9 "
3 John Ball, Jr Nov'r 20 "
4 Morton A. Waring Dec'r 11 "
5 James Wilson " . . 18 "
6 S. Lewis Simons Jan'y 1 1811
7 Robert Bentham •' . . . 1 "
8 Joseph Manigault .".. .8 "
9 Charles Banks "... 8 . . "
930 Henry Alexander DeSaussure " . . 22 "
1 John Bonnell " . . 29 "
2...E Thomas Clough "..29 "
3 Maurice Simons April 16 "
4 Hugh G. Campbell "..16 "
5 Thomas G. Simons " • . 16 "
6 ... R ... . William Drayton " . . 23 "
7 . . . R Samuel Prioleau, Jr " . . 23 "
8 ... E ... . Joseph Bennett June 4 "
9 John S. Eichardson July 12 "
940 Charles Edmondston Nov'r 19 "
1 William Postell "..26 "
2 Simeon Theus, Jr Jan'y 7 1812
3 1. S. K. Bennett "..31 "
4 William Lance March 31 "
5 . Charles Graves " . . 31 "
6 Richard Cunningham Oct'r 27 "
7 John F. Trezevant Dec'r 15 "
8 Joshua W. Toomer Jan'y 5 1813
9 James Roddey. . . "... 5 "
950 Robert Primerose "... 5 "
1 Archibald Whitney "..19 "
952 Abraham Crouch April 13 1813
3 James Poyas Sept'r 28 "
4 Paul Weston Oct'r 4 ''
5 Job Bryan "..5 "
6 Lewis H. C. Schutt Nov'r 2 "
7 John Lawson Dec'r 28 "
8 T. Loughton Smith Jau'y 4 1814
9 . . . R . . . William Doughty April 5 "
960... R ...James Doughty ''...5 "
1 Jacob Warley ''..12 "
2 . . . R James Gilchrist May 7 "
3 K. S. Izard June 21 "
4 John C. You Nov^r 22 ''
5 . . . E Martin Strobel Jan'y 3 1815
6. . .E Simon Gabeau March 7 "
7 John M. Righton ". .14 "
8 Hugh Smith April 11 "
9 ... George Edwards June 6 "
970 Washington Potter August 1 ''
1 George Wagner Sept'r 5 "
2 Effingham Wagner ". . .5 "
3 John Langton '' . . . 5 "
4 Beekman McCall "..26 "
5 William Crafts, Jr Oct'r 3 "
6 Thomas W. Roper ''...3 '*
7 David B, Lafar ''...3 "
8 . . . R William Peronneau " . . 24 "
9 John M. Ogier Nov'r 7 "
980 ... R ... . Charles C. Pinckney, Jr Jan'y 21 1816
1...E.... Jacob Read, Jr "..29 "
2 John R. Rodgers April 16 "
3 Samuel S. Spiessegger " . . 23 "
4... E.... Francis W. Saltus "..30 "
5 . . . R Francis S. Lee May 14 "
6 Thomas Stephens "..21 "
7 . . . R David Gabeau June 11 "
8 Thomas Smith, Jr July 16 "
9 Octavius Cripps Oct'r 1 "
990 John E. Farr ''..22 "
1 Edward W. Bounetheau Nov'r 5 "
992 John Stony Nov'r 5 1816
3 William Mazyck, Jr Jan'y 14 1817
4 William Kunhardt August 12 "
5 . . . E John Singletary Bennett '' . . 12 "
6 David D. Bailey Sept'r 2 "
7 Abraham Miller Oct'r 7 "
8 William Miller '^.21 ''
.9 ... E ... . John C. Miller '^ . 21 ''
1000 John J. Lafar Nov'r 18 "
1 ... E ... . Richard W. Humphreys " . . 25 "
2 John Wroughton Mitchell Dec'r 9 ''
3 Benjamin Mathewes "..30 "
4 ... E ... . William C. Miller " . . 30 "
5 William Ball Wilkie " . . 30 "
6 ... E ... . James Patison '^ . 30 "
7 ... E .... T. Gaillard Skrine '^ . 30 "
8... R.... Charles E. Rowand Feb'y 3 1818
9... R.... John Paul "..10 "
1010.... ....Josiah S. Lovell March 10 "
11 John Ward McCall "..17 "
12 P. P. Mazyck. "..17 "
13 Samuel Wilson, Jr ...".. 17 "
14 Charles S. Mey " . . 17 "
15 Symes Bonneau ''. .24 "
16. Richard W. Vanderhorst ". .24 "
17 Thomas CI. Prioleau ". .24 "'
18 ... E ... . Joshua Ward " . . 24 "
19... E.... Charles Warley "..24 "
1020... E.... David L. Adams "..24 "
21 Joseph P. McGall "..31 "
22 Louis Danjou April 28 "
23... R.... James Wilson ". .28 "
24 Charles Kiddell "..28 "
25 Peter Timothy May 5... .."
26 Edward Osborne "... 5 "
27 William A. Hayne "...5 "
28 Robert B. Gilchrist ...".. .5 "
29... E.... Solomon Saltus "..26 "
1030 AVillia)!! Price, Jr Juno 2 "
31 William Allan "..23 "
1070 .
. Thomas Milliken June 30 1818
. Charles Urquhart Sept'r 15 '
. Joseph Mason Dill ' ' . . 29 '
. Josiah J. Darrell " . . 29 *
. Edward P. Simons Oct'r 6
. Charles W. D'Oyley ".. 6 '
. John Byrd >^ . 20 '
.Jacob Wiilff Nov'r 3 '
. Edward McCall '' . . 24 «
. Peter Crovat Dec'r 15 "
. William H. Wilson Feb'y 2 1819
.Doddridge Crocker ''.♦,16 "
. James F. Edwards '' . . 23 "
. George Timmons March 28 "
. James O'Hear April 6 "
.Joseph B. Paine "..13 ''
.John Holmes Oct'r 5 "
. Joseph T. Weyman " . 5 "
. Peter Bacot "..5 "
Alfred S. Gaillard ...''..5 "
.John K. Wyatt Nov'r 2 ''
.A. J. Browne '^..9 "
.Robert R. Bee Jan'y 4 1820
. George Perman " . . 11 "
. Henry W. Lubbock ''. .25 "
. Stephen Thomas, Jr April 11 "
. James Welsmau " . . 18 "
. James S. Johnson Sept'r 5 "
. Elias Horry Oct'r 31 "
. Augustus T. Gaillard Jan'y 2 182 L
. Edward W. North "-.2 "
. Thomas P. Chiffelle April 24 "
. John J. Alexander June 19 "
.John H. Blake Oct'r 2 "
. Isaac M. Wilson " . . 23 '*
. Bartholomew Gaillard. Jan'y 8 1822
. Thomas 0. Lowndes Feb'y 19 "
. Moses Andrews Sept'r 3 . . . . • *'
. W. H. Mitchell Oct'r 1 ''
.John Lewis Poyas ''..29 "
1072 David Ramsay Jan'y 7 1823
73 Newman Kershaw March 4 "
74 Godfrey C. Schutt May 27 "
75 Joseph L, Enslow July 1 "
76 John G. Schutt "..23 "
77 Frederick Wesner Dec'r 2 "
78 George Chisolm, Jr Jan'y 27 1824
79... E Francis Lance April 27 "
1080 Ezra Benjamin June 22 "
81 James A. Miller Sept'r 28 "
82 Charles A. Magwood FeVy 8 1825
83 Henry Laurens July 12 . . . ."
84 Nathaniel Bowen Oct'r 4 "
85 ... E Barnard E. Bee '' . . . 4 "
86 Oliver L. Dobson '' . . 11 ''
87. ..R Benjamin D. Roper '^.11 "
88 William Mason Smith " . . 11 "
89.... . Francis C. Black •....Nov'r22 *'
1090 William H. Evans "..22 "
91.. .E Henry Canaday "..29 "
92 Benjamin Smith Dec'r 6 "
93 ... E William States Lee " . . 13 "
94 ... E John G. Frazier Jan'y 3 1826
95.... ...A. E. Miller "..10 "
96 William Hall " . . 10 "
97 James Mitchell " . . 10 "
98 John Wagner " . . 10 "
99 Isaac E. Holmes " . . 17 "
1100 James English "..31 "
1 . . . R . . . Jeremiah D. Yates Feb'y 14 "
2 ... E ... . Elias B. Hort " . . 28 "
3 ... R ... . Thomas Legare, Jr April 4 "
4 Henry W. Peronneau " . . 11 "
5 Richard W. Cogdell May 2 "
6 Philip S. Porcher " . . 16 "
7 D. Jennings Waring " .23 . . "
8 Arthur Buist July 25 "
9 George Thompson " . . 25 "
1110.. .E James A. Miller, Jr August 15 "
11 Samuel Gilman "..22 "
75 . .
1112 , . George Kinlocli Jan'y 23 1827
13 George W. Wilkie '-. .:jO "
14 T. W. Bacot Feb'y 6 "
15.. .K William C. Dukes ''. ..6 "
16 ... E Thomas Gadsden '^ , . 6 *'
17... R... William L. Porter "...8... ."
18 ... E William Carter "... 6 "
19 Randal Robinson "... 6 "
112U Christian Hanckel " . . 13 "
31 ... K ... John H. Dawson " . . 13 "
22 H, P. Dawes " . . 13 "
23 W. G. Rout.... "..13 "
24 ... E George W. Egleston " . . 13 "
25 W. A. Caldwell "..20 "
26 ... E Robert Eager " . . 20 "
27 Robert Aldrich " . . 20 "
28 C. G. Morris " . . 27 "
29 B. F. Peepon " . . 27 "
1130 Edward Blake March 6 "
31 John Robinson " . . 13 "
32 John T. Robinson ". .13 "
33 Isaac A. Johnson ". .13 "
34 James Ramsay " . . 20 "'
35 William Waller " . . 20 "
36 ... E Alexander Mazyck " . . 20 "
37...E....M. I. Keith "..27 "
38 J. W. Cheeseborough April 3 "
39 ... E A. W. Campbell " . . 3 "
1140 Thomas Price " . . 3 "
41 William Paterson " . . 10 "
42 Francis D. Poyas " . . 17 . . "
43 William Roper Brailsford "..24 "
44 James H. Spears " . . 24 "
45 Joseph Whilden " . . 24 "
46 Frederick Laurens May 1 "
47 Edward Bacon " . . 22 "
48 Robert Anderson " . . 22 "
49 ... R Lawrence E. Dawson June 12 "
1150 John C. Pillans " . .Vz "
51 George Chreitzberg " . . 26 "
1152... R William Burgoyne July 3 1827
53 William A. Holmes " . . 3 "
54 John Parker, Jr ".. 3 "
55 Robert Brown " . . 17 "
56 ... E William Smith " . . 24 "
57 Thomas John Gantt ''..31 "
58 Thomas Mitchell " . .31 . .• "
59 Benjamin S. Smith August 14 "■
1160 I.M.Campbell "..21 "
61 Wiswall Jones " . . 28 "
62 ... R ... . Edward Brailsford Oct'r 9 "
63 John V. Parker "..23 "
64 ... . ... Alexander Gibson Dec'r 11 "
65 A. T. Gaillard Jan'y 8 1828
66 A. Barbot " . . 8 ...... "
67 ... R ... . Francis Duquercron ....".. 8 "
68 Thomas Davis " . . 15 "
69 Thomas L. Jones "..22 "
1170 Joseph H. Waring Feb'y 5 "
71 ... E Daniel E. Huger March 11 "
72 John Dewees " . . 11 "
73 Edward Mazyck " . . 25 "
74 . . .■• Stephen G. Deveaux ". . 25 "
75 ... R John R. Matthewes April 1 "
76 Robert Lebby " . . 8 "
77 ... E ... . John Mulliugs " . . 8 "
78 James Gaillard May 6 "
79 M. L. Hurlbut June 3 "
1180 John Davis "..JO "
81 David Meyers "..24 "
82 Alexander Berry July 1 "
83 Lionel H. Kennedy ".-8 "
84 Samuel Alexander Oct'r 28 "
85.. R Ker Boyce Nov'r 4 "
86 Henry F. Faber "..25 "
87 ....... . Joseph W. Faber '' . . 25 "
88 Edwin P. Starr "..25 "
89 Jacob Davis Feb'y 17 1829
1190 Thomas R. Vardell June 30 "
91... E.... Thomas S. Budd Sept'r 22 "
" , 77
1192 C. R. Holmes Jan'y 5 1830
93 ... E Edward R. Laurens Feb'y 33 "
94 Richard Yeadou, Jr Ji^^ly 13 "
95. . E....S. P. Monk Nov'r 2 "
96 Robert W. Ro])er March 8 1831
97 • • . . • . . Henry Alexander " . . 8 "
98 Francis S. Yales '^.15 "
99 William Ravenel June 14 "
1200 Robert M. Allan " . . 14 "
1 . . . E . . » . D. Pinckney Johnston " . . 14 "
2 William Aiken July 5 "
3 Elias Ball ".. 26 ,-..... "
4 James C. Norris ■ . . August 9 "
5 C. J. Colcock Sept'r 20 ...... "
6 ... R ... . Fisher Gadsden Nov'r 29 "
7 Josiah S. Payne Dec'r 13 "
8 Thomas Steedman, Jr March 13 1832
9 . . E . . . . James Steedman " . . 13 "
1210 John M. Van Rhyn '' . . 13 "
11 Daniel G. Joye April 24 "
12 Samuel N. Slovens June 19 "
13 John Lewis Poyas Sepfr 18 "
14. . .E. . . .Charles Steedman Nov'r 22 "
15 ... R ... . Neill McNeill Jan'y 15 1833
16 ... R Charles A. DeSaussure May 14 .."
17 Allston L. White July 2 "
18 . E Franklin J. Moses August 27 "
19 ... E Henry Morris Oct'r 15 . . ''
1220 M. P. Walsh April 1 1834
21 ... E ... . James Legare " . . 8 "
22 Gibbs S. Crovat '' . . 8 "
23 Theodore F. Dubose May 20 "
24 . . . E . . . George M . Logan June 3 ...... "
25 ... E ... Thomas M. Logan " . . 3 "
26 ... R ... . John Berwick Legare " . . 3 "
27 ... R ... . Solomon Legare Jan'y 1 "
28 Alexander Gordon August 12 ''
29 ... E ... . Louis P. Spiessegger Nov'r 4 "
1230 William E. Hayne March 31 1835
31 Henry Ravenel June 23 "
.E. . .
.E . .
.R. . .
36 .
. . . .
.E. . .
.E. . .
.E. . .
47 .
.E. . .
. R . .
52 .
.E. . .
56 .
.E.. .
. R . . .
.R. . .
.R. . .
.E.. .
.E. . .
.E. . .
.E. . .
69 .
. Abraham Tobias Sept'r 8 1835
. Alonzo J. White Nov'r 10 "
. V. Diu-and " . . 24 "
.J. B. Whitridge ... Dec'r 1 "
Alexander H. Brown ".. 29 '*
, James Hamilton Feb'y 9 1836
W. Mazyck Porcher " . . 23 *'
T. Y. Simons March 8 "
George T. Taylor " . . 15 "
Davids. Yates *".. 15 "
.James L. Yates " . . 22 "
Robert R. Taylor " . . 29 "
Thomas W. Boone April 12 "
. Benjamin Perry " . . 12 "
, George H. Smith May 3 "
James W. Gray.... ".. 17 "
. Henry B. Toomer ".. 31 "
. Thomas L. Webb ".. 31 "
Robert Q. Pinckney June 7 "
. George H. Ingraham " . . 7 "
, Thomas W. Porcher July 12 "
. Thomas Porcher August 9 "
. Edward McCrady ".. 23 "
,E. W. Walter "..23 ''
, Thomas M. Hasell '^ . 23 "
. Paul H. Waring Oct'r 11 "
. R. 8. E. Chrietzberg " . . 25 ''
. James P. Jervey Nov'r 15 "
. William Jervey " . • 15 . . "
. D. C. Levy Jan'y 17 1837
.James Macbeth '^ . 17 "
.0. L. Whitney ".. 17 "
. Peter J. Suder '^ . 24 "
. Robert Macbeth March 14 "
. James M. Shackelford ".. 14 "
. George Dener " . . 14 "
. John Ward '^ . 14 "
, M. C. Mordecai ".. 21 "
.E. Horry Deas ''.. 21 ''
Daniel D. Graves ''..21 ''
1272 . .
.E. . .
.R. . .
.R. . .
• R. ..
.R. . .
.E. . .
.R. . .
.E . .
.E. . .
.R. . .
.R. . -
• E, .
96 .
.E. . .
.E. . .
.E. . .
.E.. .
.R. . .
.E. . .
James T. Welsmau — March 21 .
. Palmer J. Pillans ".. 21 .
. Eobert E. Brown " . . 21
Charles M. Furman " . . 21 .
. McKewn Johnson ". . 28 .
Archibald B. Lord April 11 .
. Daniel Eavenel '^ . 18 .
H. 0. Tovey '' . . 25.
Otis Mills ".. 25.
. W, Peronneau Finley May 2 .
, Edward P. Milliken ".. 9 .
. Henry W. Bounetheau " . . 9 .
.T. W. Bacot, Jr ".. 16.
.G. C. Logan ".. 16.
. L. A. Edmondston June 13 .
.A. P. Trouche "..27.
. W. Washington ... August 1 .
. John L. Nowell Oct'r 29 .
. Alexander H. Mazyck Sept'r 12 .
. Edward North " . . 19 .
. Alexander Hume Oct'r 3 .
James M. Walker ". 3.
Octavius Chisolm Nov'r 7 •
. James A. Hopkins Dec'r 5 .
. Thomas W. Mordecai " . . 5 .
.William M. Taylor '*. . 19 .
Francis W. Johnson. Jan'y 16
. Issac S. Bailey " . . 23 .
. Hopson Pinckuey Feb'y 6 .
William Sinkler March 18 .
William S. Boag April 17 •
, John 0. Ball May 1 .
William Kerrison " . . 8 .
. John AVebb " . . 15
. William J. Lesesne " . . 15 .
John Cheeseborough - " . . 22 .
. Joshua W. Motte " . . 22 .
Philip G. Edwards "..29.
.Charles T. Mitchell "..29.,
John C. Holcombe June 12 .
.E. . .
.E. . .
.E. .
.E. . .
E. . .
. .E. . .
.E. . .
.E. . .
.E. . .
.E . .
.E. . .
.E. . .
. E . . .
.E. . .
E. . .
E. . .
Benjamin M. Lee June 21 1838
Robert D. Lawrence July 11 '*
Cranmore Wallace July 11 "
Isaac Porclier August 4 "
Charles Macbeth Sept'r 4 "
William Riley " 11 "
. Thomas P. Lockwood Oct'r 9 "-
. James M. Stocker '^ . 9 "
James M. Bee Nov'r 13 "
Thomas Dehon Jervey Dec'r 11 "
John Williams Jan'y 15 1839
F. C. Matthiessen March 16 "
John D. Miller May 14 "
John Bonnell, Jr June 4 "
James W. Brown '^ . 11 "
William D. Porter March 24 1840
. George B. ReicI April 21 "
. R. W. Seymour June 16 "
Theodore Gaillard '' . .23 "
James Cheves Jervey " . . 30 "
Isaac Porcher, Jr July 14 "
Philip M. Porcher.. ."..14 "
. Edward Porcher "..14 "
, William S. Monefeldt " . . 21 "
.T. A. Whitney August 11 "
William W. Kunhardt " . • 11 "
William Lloyd Sept'r 29 "
Henry Johnson Nov'r 10 "
Charles C. Strohecker Dec'r 22 "
. J. Rutledge Parker Jan'y 26 1841
James F. Edwards, Jr March 9 "
. William B. Deas May 18 "
■ Jeremiah Yates June 1 "
Henry M. Howard ".. 1 "
.JohnY. Stock ".. 1 "
. George F. Kinloch July 6 "
. John L. Dawson " . . 20 "
.John B. Milliken .."..20 "
.William H. Lee "..27......"
. William Ilowlaud Nov'r 23 "
. . Peter C. Gaillard Jan'y 11 1842
. . Theodore W. Speissegger '' . . 11 •*
. . S. A. Hurlbut FeVy 1 "
. . P. A. Aveilhe '^ .. 8 ...... "
. .JSTorman M. Porter "..15 "
. . John C. Miller March 8 "
. William H. Inglesby "... 8 "
. .Nathan A. Cohen ".. .8 "
..John Price Bee... "..15 "
. . Daniel E. Huger, Jr., " . . 22 "
. . William H. Bee " . . 22 "
. .S. P. Gaillard May 3 "
. . James L. Gantt "' . . 10 "
. . John Schnierle July 19 "
. . Henry W. DeSaussure August 9 "
. . William C. Courtney Sept'r 20 "
. . James E. Bee Dec'r 6 "
. .P. J. Barbot Jan'y 24. . . .1843
. . T. L. Ogier Feb'y 28 "
. . E. M. Doucin July 28 1844
. . John Hanckel April 9 "
. . J, W. Lewis May 21 "
..J. B. Lance ."..21 "
. . Thomas E. Waring June 25 "
. . Thomas Lee Howard 3\\\y 2 "
. . H. H. Baker "... 9 "
. . Lawrence Lee "... 9 "
..A. P. Aldrich "..23 "
. . John D. Alexander Oct'r 1 "
. . Thomas Waring, Jr March 15 .
. . A. V. Dawson " . . 11 "
. . John J. Lafar, Jr " . . 11 "
. . James H. Waring " . . 11 "
. . C. G. Whitney April 1 "
.. Thomas J. Roger "..15 "
. .C. W. Crouch "..29 "
. I. Prioleau Yates June 3 "
. . George Kiddell " . . 3 "
. James M. Stocker August 26 "
. . John H. Holmes Feb'y 3 1846
1392... E.... James Gaillard, Jr. Feb'y 17 1846
93 Arthur P. Gaillard ^^ . 17
94 ... Jacob F. Schirmer March 3
95 Henry S. Hall June 2
96 William Thompson " . . 21
, 97 Thomas M. Hume August 11
98 Isaac W. Hayne Oct'r 20
99 A. M. Chreiizburg Nov'r 3
1400 W. B. S. Horry '^.10....
1 ... E ... . Henry H. Mullins " . . 17 . . . .
2.. .E T. Savage Heyward Dec'r 29
3 R. H. Garden June 8 1847
4 W. H. Lafar March 21 1848
5 J. W. Caldwell April 25 "
6 S. A. Eobinson Sept'r 19 "
7 C. H. Panknin Dec'r 4 ''
8... E.... Alfred Price Feb'y 6 1849
9. . .E James Copes '^ .13 "
1410... R... John E. Cay ''..20 "
11 ... E Thomas Bonnell March 6 "
12 W. H. Davis ''...6 "
13... R.... Alfred A. Barbot ".20 "
14 W. H. Jones '' . . 27 "
15 R. Anderson, Jr April 24 "
16. . E. . . .Francis S. Holmes June 5 ''
17 John L. Hedley June 12 ''
18 William L. Wehh July 31 "
19 . . E Thomas G. Budd '' . .31 "
1420 ... R ... . Richard S. Gantt August 7 "
21 John R. Rodgers, Jr "..28 "
22. . E Thomas N. Johnson Dec'r 4 "
23 William E. Hayne " . . 4 "
24 William G. Ramsey Jan'y 22 1850
25 . . . E . . . R. Press Smith April 2 "
26 Charles L. Edwards " . . 2 "
27 J. K. Sass May 14 "
28...R....W. S. Cochran "..28 "
29 H. E. Ravenel Sept'r 2 "
1430 ... R ... . Theodore D. Wagner " . . 17 "
31 J. R. Wiltberger Oct'r 15 "
1432 ... E .... T. G. Prioleau, Jr Nov'r 12 1850
33 Evan Echvards March 4 1851
34... E ...Jabez Norton ''..25 "
35 W. W. Star July 1 '*
36 Samuel I. Legare ''. . . 1 "
37 Adam E. Gibson '' . . . 1 . .. "
38 James B. Campbell " . . 15 "
39. ..E A. M. Huger Oct'r 21 "
1440... E Joseph Whilden Noy'r 4 "
41.. .E William G. Whilden "..4 "
42 Floriau C. Mey Dec'r 2 "
43 ... E Edward J. Anderson " .2 "
44... R.... P. A. Aveilhe, Jr FeVy 3 1852
45 ... E William W^haley March 2 "
46 ... E Marion L. L. Lafar April 13 "
47 ... E J. A. Enslow May 4 "
48 Joseph Yates July 6 "
49 George Buist " . . 6 "
1450 Thomas Y. Simons August 3 ''
51.. .E George Reid Sept'r 14 "
52 ... E L. J. Barbot Oct'r 12 "
53 J. Bentham Poyas ''..26 "
54 ... E James S. Eoberts Feb'y 1 1«53
55 R. F. Smith March 15 "
56 ... E J. Legare Yates " . . 22 "
57 James B. Anderson " . . 29 "
58 ... E F. D. Richardson " . . 29 "
59 W. G. DeSaussure July 5 "
. . F. N. Bonneau Sept'r 7 "
. . A. L. Anderson " . . 7 "
. . S. H. Poyas Oct'r 4 "
. J. Bachman Wilson Jan'y 24 1854
. A. J. Rutjes March 27 "
.A. J. Timmons April 4 "
. W. M. Wilson " . . 4 "
. K. R. Wagner June 20 "
. W. M. Reid " . . 20 "
69 Julius A. Blake March 29 1855
1470 James B. Evans August 7 "
71 D. Q. Wayne March 1] 1856
. .E.
. .E.
, .E..
. .E.
, .E.
, .E.
1472... E
73.. E
75 ... E
78 ... E
79 ...
1840... E
82 ... .
83 ... R
84. ..R
85 ... .
86... E
87. ..E
88. ..R.
89. ..E
91. ..E
92 ... R
94 ... E
95... E
9G. ..E
99 ... R
2.. ..
4. . .E
5. . . .
1510... E
11... E
. . Christoi^her Gaillard March 25 1856
. . Robert Lebby, Jr , '^ . 25 . .
. '.k. R. Mitchell " . . 25 . .
. . J. Alfred Cay April 1 . .
..A. A. Cay "..8..
..A. P. Pelzer ''..8..
. . W. G. Lloyd May 13 . .
. . A. St. .John Lance June 10 . .
. . M. H. Magwood " . . 24 . .
. . James H. Magwood Jwly 8. .
. . F. C Ravenel • '' . . 22 . .
. . K. L. Simons August 5 . .
. . Sedgwick Simons " . . . 5 . .
. . A. D. Jones " . . . 5 . .
. . A. T. Milliken '' . . 12 . .
. .H. Y. Gray ''..19..
. .T. H. C.Dukes "..26 .
. . James Price Sept'r 16 . .
..A. H. Mazyck, Jr '. Dec'r 9 . .
. . Robert C. Starr Jau'y 13 . .
. . Samuel C. Black " . . 20 . .
. . John E. Poyas Feb y 10 . .
. .Joseph Johnson, Jr " . . 17 • •
. . Thomas P. Lockwood March 31 . .
. . Francis D. Lee April 14 . .
. . Thomas M. Hasell '' . . 14 . .
..Francis C. Black "..14..
. . Lee Howard " . . 14 . .
. . Joseph Lee Howard " . . 14 .
. . William H. Wagner May 12 . .
. . B. T. Rodgers July 7. .
.1. S. K. Bennett "..28..
..W.B. Burden Sept'r 1..
. . Isaac Harris " . . . 8 . .
..W. S. Lance "..15..
. .John P. Matheson Dec'r 14 1858
. . Jolm S. Riggs Jan'y 11 1859
. . John Bryan " . . 11 : "
. . W. M. Ramsay April 12 "
. . E. L. Tessier " . . 12 "
.E. . .
13. .
. E . . .
.E. . -
.B . .
. E . . .
.E. . .
.E . .
.R. . .
.E. . .
.E. . .
E. . .
.E. . .
.E . .
.E. . .
• E. . .
. ^ • .
• E . . .
. . . .
.E. . .
.E. . .
. E . . .
.E. . .
.E. . .
.E. . .
.E. . .
.E. . .
47 .
. E . . .
.R. . .
. E . . .
.H. E. Vincent April 19 1859
. C. 0. Strohecker '^ . 19 "
. H, M. Tovey " . . 26 "
. Felix Warley '' . . 26 "
. B, M. Lebby '^ . 26 "
W. D. H. Kirkwood May 3 "
Charles Foster June 7 "
.John P. Strohecker ". .28 "
. W. Walter Kiloy "'. . 28 "
.J. N. Robson '^ . 28 "
Daniel Baveucl, Jr July 5 "
. Lewis Jervey ". .5 "
James C. Jones Augnst 9 ...... "
. A. C. Wagner . . . -• Sep't 13 "
.J. F. Bonnoitt Ocfr 11 "
. E. P. Lawrence " . . 11 "
.Francis W.Lee April 10 1860
. J. F. W. Walter May 8 "
, Henry S. Lebby June 26 "
W. E. Mikell August 7 "
.J. L. Tobias -^.7 "
. W. L. Campbell Sept'r 11 "
J. Ward Hopkins Nov'r 20 "
S. W. Eamsay Dec'r 11 "
S. P. Ravenel July 2 1861
. W. H. Peronneau '' . . 19 "
T. C. Trott April 15 1862
.W. Y. Paxton ' ^'..22 "
. B. G. Mazyclc ^' . . 22 ''
. A. W. Lee June 10 "
. T. L. Webb, Jr Sept'r 9 ''
.1. D. White "..16 "
.Edwin J. White "..16 "
. S. H. L. Price Feb'y 3 1863
. Walter Steele " . . 10 ''
. Rev. W. B. Yates " . . 17 "
. R. C. Gilchrist March 24 ''
. Gr. H. Ingraham, Jr April 14 '
. A. T. Speissegger '' . . 21 "■
■ Nathan Legare " . . 28 "
.E. . .
E- . .
E. . .
.E. . .
E. . .
E. . .
E . .
E. . .
B. . .
E . . .
E. . .
E. . .
E. . .
E. . .
E. .
E. . .
R. . .
E. . .
E. . .
E. . .
E. . .
E. . .
E. . .
E. . .
R. . .
R. . .
E. . .
E . .
E. . .
89 . . .
R. . .
1590.. .
E. . .
91 . . .
R. . .
. L. E. Reed May 12 1863
. R. B. Thayer '' . . 19 "
.S. 0. Brown '^.26.. ''
. F. A. Mitchell June 2 "
.S. Poroher Smith "..16 "
. R. P. Smith, Jr " . . 16 ''
. H. W. Mitchell July 30 ''
. James D. Mitchell " . . 30 "
. Changuin Jervey " . . 30 "
.J. Ford Prioleau, M. D August 30 "
.V. L. Starr March 29 1864
. Isaac M. Wilson June 7 "
. W. A. Gibson August 4 "
. Rev. J. M. Green Sept'r 12 "
. Julius Trouche Oct'r 11 1865
.E. McCrady, Jr Jan'y 23 1866
.JohnMcCrady "..23 '
, H. C. Covert Feb'y 13 '
. Julian Barbot " . . 26 '
. R. A. Kinloch March 6 '
Beekman McCall "... 6 '
, J. R. Macbeth " . . 20 '
A. G. Whitney "..20 '
J. P. Gaillard "..27 '
• A. R. Taft "..27 '
,T. S.Bee "..27 '
,G. L.Holmes "..27 '
, D. P. Johnston, Jr April 3 *
J. R. P. Ravend "..3 '
. W. J. Robinson " . . 3 '
. G. W. Williams " . . 3 '
G. A. Trenholm "..3 '
./. M. Kinloch June 26 '
. Charles T. Kinloch Oct'r 16 '
Isaac Hayne May 7 1867
A. Baron Holmes "... 7
W. H. Porter "...7
.Henry Buist "..21
P. E. Porcher August 6
.R. M. Gordon April 14 1868
si •
1592 H. F. Faber March 30 1869
93. . .R Joseph Yates, M. D ''../><.:.. .1870
94 H. P. Foster Feb'y 11 1873
95 W. H. Prioleau, M. D April 8 "
96 ... R ... . Rev. John Johnson ...''..] 5 "
97 T. W. Perry •' . . 7 1874
98 A. C. Small Jime 9 "
99 Isaac W. Angel, M. D April 3 1877
1600 ... Wm. G. Mazijch '^ . . 8 1879
1 . . . E Theodore E. Newton " . . 15 "
2 Cambridge M. Trott '' . . 19 1881
3 Jennings W. Perry June 13 1882
4 J. F. W. Walter March 13 1883
5 M. W. Wilson ".. 13 ...... '^
6 Jo/m P Stratton ". . 13 "
7 . . . R Eugene P. Jervey '' . . 27 ''
8 Rev. John Johnson " . 27 "
9 / A7icrum Simons " . . 27 "
1610 Thomas Miller Dec'r 11 "
11 Thomas A. Huguenin " . . 11 "
12 W. G. Hinson June 10 1884
13 Robert M. Means July 8 ''
14 Kirby 8 Tupper Oct'r 14 "
15 Chas. F. Hard ''.il4 "
16 Chas. H. Simonton Nov'r 11 "
17.. .R ... Geo. W. Dingle '^.11 "
18...R....W. K. Eyan ....''..11 "
19 Edwin J. White "..11 "
1620 A. M. Lee, Jr Jan'y 13 1885
21 James Ackerman " . . 13 "
22 Charles Inglesby Feb'y 10 "
23 Geo. D. Bryan " . . 10 "
24 John H. Roper " . . 10 "
25 D. B. Gilliland "..10 "
26 C. F. Panhnin. " . . 10 "
27...E....H. L. Toomer... ". .10. ...... "
28 T. P. Loiondes March 10 "
29 Waring Mikell " . . 10 "
1630 W. H. Brawley " . . 10 "
31 Chas. F. Hanckel April 7 "
32 F. M. Burdell Sept'r 8 "
..E.M. Boyhin Sept'r 8 1885
. . W. K. Steedman Nov'r 10 "
. . iV: M. Porter Dec'r 10 "
..T. P. O'Neale ''..10 "
. . W. H. Easterby March 9 . ... 1886
..P. G. Hasell April 27 ''
. .Joseph B. Hyde ". .27 "
..A. P. Prioleau, M. D "••27 "
. . W. W. Wilkinson June 28 "
. . W. J. McCormack July 13 ..... "
. . /. K. Blachman Jaii'y 11 1887
.B. H. Rutledge, Jr Feb'y 8 "
. . W. Huger Fitzsimons "... 8 "
. . Simeon Hyde April 12 *'
..Richard Y. MacUth "..12 "
. . William Johnson Jan'y 10 1888
. . Thos. H. Colcock April 3 "
. . Ghas. E. Prioleau ... "... 3 "
. Joshua Lockwood, M. D "... 3 "
..B. F. Kramer "...3 "
. .Henry F. Welch, July 10 "
. . Re7ie R, Jervey Nov'r 13 "
..E. P. Guerard Dec'r 11 "
..J. P. DeSaussure Feb'y 12 1889
. . W. ManigauU Hey ward April 23 "
..F. L. Frost, M. b "..23 "
. . T. 8. Inglesly ". .23 "
. . Stephen R. Bell " . . 23 "
. . W. H. Porter "..23 "
. . S. Lewis Simons " . . 23 "
. . S. DuBose Boylston ".. 23 ...... "
. . S. Prioleau Ravenel, Jr " . . 23 "
. . W. H. Tucher ". .23 "
. .,/. G. Hemphill ". .23 "
-.J. L. Weber "..23 "
..H. W. Mitchell, Jr ". .23 "
11 ItaUcs are living- membei-s.
-Tlie i-esult of the late war left many members without the meaus of
meeting- their indebtedness to the Society, and they were excluded under the
operation of the Second Section of the Second Hule. ' But the same Rule provides
for the readmissiou of such excluded members.
4th APRIL, 1738, TO 27th APRIL, 1889.
APRIL 4. 1738.
John Nouf ville Steward
Lewis Timothy Senior Warden
James Withers Junior Warden
Philip Priuleau Clerk
Samuel Glazier } r^. +,ki„-.
T u t:i 1 1 i- Constai)ies
Joseph Felder ^
Philip Prioleau Clerk
ff ^"i^*^-;; \ Constables
John Bounetheau ^
Moreau Sarazen Clerk
Moses Audebert } n „*--,i.i„
T-, 1 o -4-1 - Constables
Emanuel Smith )
Moreau Sarazen , Clerk
Thomas Veney.. ) Constables
Richard Herbert \
John Bounetheau Steward
Edward BuUard Senior Warden
Andrew Dujmy Junior Warden
John Xeufville Treasurer
Robert Rajier - Clerk
Griffith Bullard ) r^^. , i.
CM- r< ff - Constables
Jjjlias Coiiee \
APRILS. 1740.
Edward Bullard Steward
Andrew Dupuy Senior Warden
Philip Prioleau Junior Warden
John Neuf ville Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau, Jr Clerk
John Vaughn... j Constables
Gabriel Guignartl \
MARCH 3L 1741.
Andrew Dupuy Steward
Thomas Weaver Senior Warden
Robert Paper Junior Warden
John Neuf ville Treasurer
John Cordes Clerk
Samuel Prioleaii^ Jr. . . ^ Constables
Abraham Knight \
APRIL 20. 1742.
Andrew Dupuy Steward
Robert Raper.' Senior Warden
John Rattray Junior Warden
John Neufviile Treasurer
John Rover Clerk
JohnPeekman ) Constables
John Pryer )
Peter Poinsett Constable
In the room of John Fryer, who was
APRIL 5. 1743.
Robert Paper Steward
John Rattray Senior Warden
John Savage Junior Warden
John Neufville Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau, Jr Clerk
Tliomas Lee } r'^„-.f ,ki«-,
-r , Ti T ■ t onstables
John Redman ) ■
MARCH 27. 1 744.
John Rattray Steward
James Withers Senior Warden
Moses Audebert Junior Warden
John Xeufville Treasurer
■Samuel Prioleau, Jr Clerk
MAY 8.
John Roberson Constable
MAY 15
Peter Laurens Constable
APRIL 16. 1745.
J ames Withers Steward
Moses Audebert Senior Warden
Rice Price Junior Warden
John Neufville Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau, Jr Clerk
Richard Muuereef } Constables
Benjamm Addison. . . . )
APRIL]. 1746.
John Savage Steward
Matthew Koehe Senior "VYavden
John Rover Junior Warden
John Xeufville Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau Clerk
Steph^i Carter j Constables
David Brown )
APRIL 21. 1747.
Edward Bulla rd Steward
Thomas Lee Senior Warden
Pavid Brown Junior Warden
Jo>hn Neufville Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau, Jr Clerk
Vincent Laveroft ) n^^■^^u^^^
T 1 ^r ' J. y Constables
John Jluiicreei )
APRIL 13. 1748.
Moreau Sarazen . . . . , Steward
Thomas Weaver Senior Warden
Jeremiah Theus Junior Warden
John Neufville Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau, Jr Clerk
He^uTBeekman j Constables
John McCall \
MARCH 28. 1749.
Robert Eaper .Steward
William Glen Senior Warden
Henry Christie Junior Warden
Benjamin Matthews Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau, Jr Clerk
William Dandridge Constable
John Snelling Constable
APRIL 19. 1750.
Robert Raper Steward
John McCall Senior Warden
Benjamin. Addison. .Junior Warden
Benjamin Matthews Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau, Jr. Clerk
Lambert Lance ) ^ ^ , ,
Timothy Phillips f Constables
APRILS. 1751,
Roliert Raper Steward
Thomas Ci'ostwaite. .Senior Warden
Thomas Ellis Junior Warden
Benjamin Matthews Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau. Jr Clerk
William Hall Constable
Humphrey Sommers Constable
MARCH 31. 1752.
Robert Raper Steward
W. Dandridg-e Senior Warden
Esaie Brunet Junior Warden
Benjamin Matthews Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau, Jr Clerk
Solomon Milner Constable
George Smith Constable
John McCall Steward
In the room of Robert Raper, who de-
parted the Province.
APRIL 24. 1753.
Robert Raper Steward
George Marshal Senior Warden
Rice Price Junior Warden
Benjamin Matthews Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau, Jr Clerk
Benjamin Dart il --i j. i i
JohiUeufville [ Constables
APRIL 16. 1754.
Robert Raper Steward
John Sc(>tt Senior Warden
Henry Laurens Junior Warden
John Neufville Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau Clerk
William Burrows ) ^ 4-11
o 1 ri ■ Constables
Samuel Carne )
APRIL 1. 1755.
Robert Raper Steward
Henry Ijaurens Senior Warden
Benjamin Dart Junior Warden
Daniel Crawford Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau Clerk
Charles Pi-.ckney, Jr. . ) n , ^- i^i .
-r n • p • Constables
James Grmdiay \
John Rattray Steward
In the room of Robert Raper, who de-
parted the Province.
APRIL 20. 1756.
Henry Laurens Steward
Jacob Motte .Senior Warden
Wm. Roper Junior Warden
Robert Raper Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau Clerk
William Lloyd } Constables
John Paul Gnmke S
APRIL 12. 1757.
Jacob Motte Steward
William Roper Senior Warden
John Guerard Junior Wafden
Robert Raper. . Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau Clerk
Sampson Xevle } Constables
Edward Neutville ^
MARCH 28. 1758,
William Roper Steward
John Guerard Senior Warden
Thomas .Smitii Junior Warden
Robert Raper Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau Clerk
SamueJ Phillips j Constables
Paul iownsend \
APRIL 17. 1759.
John Guerard Steward
Thomas Smith, Jr. . .Senior Warden
Chas. Pinckney Junior Warden
Robert Raper Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau Clerk
Richard Park Stobo Constable
MAY 1.
Job Milner. ... '.. Constable
Charles Pinckney Steward
Samuel Carne Senior Warden
Edw. Xeufville Junior Warden
Robert Raper Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau Clerk
Miles Brewton Constable
SEPT. 30.
George Appleby Constable
MARCH 24. 17G1.
Thomas Smith, Jr Steward
Edw. Neufville Senior Warden
Wm. Burrows Junior Warden
Robert Raper Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau Clerk
John Benfield / ^ , , ,
Robert Boyd \ Constables
APRIL 13. 1762.
Edward Xeufville Steward
Wm. Burrows Senior Warden
Wra. Scott Junior Warden
Robert Raper , Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau Clerk
John Parnham ) ^ , , ,
Jonathan Sarazen f Constables
OCT. 12.
William Burrows Steward
In the room of Edward Neufville, who
departed the province.
OCT. 19.
William Scott Senior Warden
In place of William Burrows, elected
OCT. 26.
Peter Manigault Junior Warden
In place of William Scott, elected
Senior Warden.
APRIL 5. 1763.
William Scott Steward
Peter Manigault Senior Warden
David Deas Junior Warden
John Xeufville Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau Clerk
John Wagner } ri„„<,.„r,ips
Jacob Warley J Constables
John Chapman Junior Wai-den
In the room of David Deas, who de-
parted the Province.
APRIL 24. 1764.
Peter Manigault Steward
John Chapman Senior Warden
Daniel D"Oyley Junior Warden
John Xeufville Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau Clerk
Thomas Lind [. Constables
John Stevenson \
APRIL 9. 1765.
John Chapman Steward
Daniel D'Oyley Senior Warden
George Sheed Junior Warden
John Xeufville Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau Clerk
Christopher Rogers.... { Constables
Samuel Hopkins S '^'^"^^^^^^^
APRIL L 1766.
Daniel D'Oyley Steward
Wm. Gibbes Senior Warden
Miles Brewton Junior Warden
John Xeufville Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau Clei'k
IrMeSl™"'.'::::!- constables
APRIL 21. 1767.
William Gibbes Steward
Mjles Brewton Senior Warden
W. Banipfield, Jr. . ..Junior Warden
Jolin Xeufville Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau Clerk
Thomas Grimljall, Jv. . i .-, ^ , ,
Maurice Jones ( ^-onstables
APRILS. 1768.
Miles Brewtou Sleward
W. Banipfield Senio)- Warden
Thos. L. Smith Junior Warden
John Neufville Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau Clerk
Charles S. Stoeker / ^, , , ,
William Hales f Constables
MAY .31.
William Bampfield Steward
In the room of Miles Brewton, who
departed the Province.
Tho)nas Ij. Smith . . .Senior Warden
In place of William Bampfleid, elected
John Lloyd Junior Warden
In place of Thomas Loughton Smith,
elected Senior Warden.
JULY 13.
Benjamin Smith Steward
In place of William Bampfield, who
departed the Province.
JULY lii.
T. L. Smith Steward
In the room of B. Smith, who refused
to serve.
JULY 20.
Joiin Lloyd Senior W& den
In the room of T. L. Smith, elected
AUG. 2.
William Savage Ji:;/ r Warden
In the room of John Lloyd, elected
Senior Warden.
MARCH 28. 1769.
John Ijloyd Steward
William Savag-e Senior Warden
Paul Townsend Junior Warden
John Neufville Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau Clerk
John Webb ) ^, , , ,
Thomas Doughty ) Constables
APRIL 17. 1770.
Wra. Savage Steward
Paul Townsend Senior Warden
John P. Grimke Junior Warden
John Neufville Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau Clerk
James McCall ) ^, , , ,
Robert Munereef f <^^»stables
J. P. Grimke Senior Warden
In the room of Paul Townsend, who
departed the Province.
JUME 12.
Henry Peronneau . . . Junior Warden
In the room of John Paul Grhnke,
elected Senior Warden.
APRIL 2. 1771.
John Paul Grinake Steward
H. Perouiicau Senior Warden
Wm. Logan Junior Warden
John Mcl'all Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau Clerk
Roger Smith Constable
July 30.
Andrew Rutledge Constable
APRIL 21. 1772.
Henry Peronneau Steward
Wm. Logan Senior Warden
Roger Smith Junior Warden
John McCall Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau Clerk
John Scott, Jr ) p, ^ i i „
John Dart. i Constables
APRIL l:<. 1773.
W^m. Logan Steward
Roger Smith. ..... .Senior Warden
Daniel Cannon Junior Warden
John McCall Treasurer
Samuel P^rioleau Clerk
James Wakefield '/ ^ j. ii„„
Wm. Hopkins ) Constates
APRILS. 1774.
Roger Smith Steward
Daniel Cannon Senior Warden
T. Grim))all, Jr Junior Warden
John Scott Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau Clerk
Stephen Lee j Constables
Samuel Legare \
APRIL 18. 1775.
Daniel Cannon Steward
T. Grimball, Jr Senior Warden
S. Wainwright Junior Warden
John Scott." Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau Clerk
Hext Prioleau } Coustables
Benjamm Legare )
APRIL 9. 1776.
Thomas G-rimball, Jr Steward
Thomas Bee Senior Warden
J, McCall, Jr Junior Warden
John Scott Treasurer
Samuel Prioleau Clerk
Nicholas Langf ord Constable
NOV. 19.
Joshua Loekwood Constable
APRIL 1. 1777.
Thomas Bee Steward
Edw. Rutledge Senior Warden
Samuel Prioleau. . .Junior Warden
John Scott Treasurer
John McCall, Jr Clerk
Janies BaUantine j. Constables
Phillip Prioleau )
APRIL 2L 1778.
Edw. Rutledge. . Steward
Samuel Prioleau Senior Warden
John Huger Junior Warden
William Logan. Treasurer
John McCall, Jr Clerk
James Bentham | Constables
Wm. Rudhall ^i
APRIL 6. 1779.
Samuel Prioleau Steward
John Huger Senior Warden
Isaac Motte Junior Warden
Wm. Logan Treasurer
John McCall, Jr Clerk
PeterValton.... .... j. Constables
Rich d Wamwright \
MARCH 28. 1780.
John Huger Steward
Isaac Motte Senior Warden
Wm. Doughty Junior Warden
Wm. Logan Treasurer
John McCaU, Jr Clerk
Hext McCall.. } n^,ic.fni^i»^
T 1 , T - ConstabJes
Lambert Lance )
JAN. 3. 1781.
Wm. Doughty Senior Warden
John Webb Treasurer
John Cox Constable
In the room of Isaac Motte, Wm.
Logan and Hext McCall, Esqs., who
where sent off the State by the British
APRIL 17. 1781.
William Doughty Steward
Robert W. Powell. . .Senior Warden
Joshua Ward Junior Warden
Jolm Webb Treasurer
John McCall, Jr Clerk
George Dener ) Constables
Job Colcock )
JULY 10.
Robert William Powell. . . .Steward
In the room of William Doughty, who
departed the State.
JULY 17.
Joshua Ward Senior Warden
In place of Robert William Powell,
elected Steward.
JULY 2i.
Dr. Elisha Poinsett. .Junior Warden
In place of Joshua Ward, elected
Senior Warden.
APRIL 2. 1782.
Robert William Powell . . . . Steward
Joshua Ward Senior Warden
Elisha Poinsett Junio!' Warden
John Webb Treasurer
John McCall. Jr Clerk
Samuel Stent } Constables
John David Miller \
DEC. 27.
Joshua Ward Steward
In the room of Robert William Powell,
who departed the State.
JAN. 7. 1783.
Col. Isaac Motte . ... Senior Warden
In the place of Joshua Ward, elected
JAN. 7.
James Neilson Junior Warden
In place of Dr. Elisha Poinsett, who
went off the State.
Joshua Ward Steward
Isaac Motte Senior Warden
James Neilson Junior Warden
John Webb Treasurer
John McCall, Jr Clerk
Norwood Conyers Constable
JUNE 17.
Ichabod At well Constable
APRIL 13. 1784.
Isaac Motte Steward
James Neilson Senior Warden
R. Lushington Junior Warden
John Webb Treasurer
John MeCall. Jr Clerk
Joseph Lafar. j. Constables
Edward Trescott )
MARCH 29. 1785.
Richard Lushington Steward
Tucker Harris Senior Warden
Isaac Huger Junior Warden
William Doughty Treasurer
John McCall, Jr Clerk
John Llojd, Jr / Ton^tables
Lewis Lestarjette J Constables
APRIL 18. 1786.
Tucker Harris Steward
Thomas Jones Senior Warden
D. Bordeaux Junior Warden
John Webb Treasurer
John McCali Clerk
Daniel Smith ) ri <- ki
Abraham Motte [ Constables
APRIL 10. 1787.
Barnard Beekman Steward
John L. Gervais Senior Warden
John Deas Junior Warden
John Webl) Treasurer
John McCall Clerk
Samuel Theus Constable
John Ruberry Constable
MARCH 25. 1788.
Barnard Beekman Steward
Sims White -. .Senior Warden
Thomas Waving. . . Junior Warden
John Webb Treasurer
John McCall Clerk
Charles Kershaw } ,-,„„, i.,i i„
Henry Gibbes \ Constables
APRIL 14. 1789.
Samuel Prioleau Steward
W. H. Gibbes Senior Warden
Henry Gibbes Junior Warden
John Webb Treasurer
John McCall Clerk
APRIL 6. 1790.
Samuel Prioleau Steward
Thomas Hall Senior Warden
Thos. Gadsden Junior Warden
John Webb Treasurer
John McCall Clerk
•John H. Harris , Constables
Peter Trezevant )
APRIL 26. 1791.
Thomas Hall Steward
Elisha Poinsett Senior Warden
Samuel Prioleau Junior Warden
John Webb. Treasurer
John McCall Clerk
William Miller } Constables
Joseph Dill ) Constables
JULY 12.
Thomas Gordon Clerk
Instead of John MoCall, resigned
APRIL 10. 1792.
Elisha Poinsett Steward
Samuel Prioleau Senior Warden
B. Villeponteaux. . . .Junior Warden
John Webb. Treasurer
Thomas Gordon Clerk
Thomas Buckle ) ri 4. 1 1
Charles Tew } Constables
OCT. 30.
Samuel Stent ..Junior Warden
In place of Benj. Villeponteau.x, de-
APRIL 2. 1793.
Elisha Poinsett Steward
Samuel Prioleau Senior Warden
Samuel Stent Junior Warden
John Webb Treasurer
Thomas Gordon Clerk
William Marshall ) /-< 4-,ui
Richard Wyatt J Constables
APRIL 24. 1794.
Elisha Poinsett Steward
Sims White Senior Wardeu
William Graham. . . Junior Warden
John Webb Treasurer
Thomas Gordon Clerk
Richard Wyatt } Constables
Chris. Rogers, Jr )
APRIL 7. 1795.
Elisha Poinsett .Steward
Sims White Senior Warden
Wm. Graham Junior Warden
John Webb Treasurer
Thomas Gordon Clerk
Chris. Rogers [ Constables
Thomas Brodie J
MARCH 29. 1796.
Elisha Poinsett Steward
Wm. Graham Senior Warden
Thomas Cochran. . . .Junior Warden
John Webb Treasurer
Thomas Gordon Clerk
Chris. Rogers Jr ) Constables
J ames Ballentmc )
MAY 31.
Tobias Cambridge Treasurer
Instead of John Webb, resigned.
APRIL 18. 1797.
Elisha Poinsett Steward
Thos. Cochran Senior Warden
Thomas Roper Junior Warden
Tobias Cambridge Treasurer
Thomas Gordon Clerk
Thomas Elfe / Constables
Samuel Theus )
APRIL 10. 1798.
Elisha Poinsett Steward
Thomas Cochran Senior Warden
Thos. Roper Junior Warden
Tobias Cambridge Treasurer
Thomas Gordon Clerk
Thomas Elfe \ Constables
Samuel 1 hens (
MARCH 26. 1799.
Elisha Poinsett Steward
Thos. Cochran Senior Warden
Thos. Roper Junior Warden
Tobias Cambridge Treasurer
Thomas Gordon Clerk
Thomas Elfe._. . . } Constables
Richard Wramch ... \
APRIL 15. 1800.
Elisha Poinsett Steward
Thos. Cochran Senior Warden
Thos. Roper Junioi- Warden
Tobias Cambridge Treasurer
Thomas Gordon Clerk
Thomas Elfe j. Constables
George Dener \
APRIL V. 1801.
Elisha Poinsett Steward
Thos. Cochran Senior Warden
Thos. Roper Junior Warden
Tobias Cambridge Treasurer
Thomas Gordon Clerk
Jacob Axson j Constables
Samuel E. Axson j
APRIL 30. 1802.
Elisha Poinsett Steward
Thos. Cochran Senior Warden
Thos. Roper Junior Warden
Tobias Cambridge Treasurer
Thomas Gordon Clerk
Richard F. Howard. . . } ^ ^. v,i
Thomas Cochran, Jr...;- Constables
APRIL 13. 1803.
Elisha Poinsett Steward
Thos. Cochran Senior Warden
Thomas Roper Junior Warden
Tobias Cambridge Treasurer
Thomas Gordon Clerk
Peter Trezevant ) ^ . , ,
Robert Howard ) Constables
OCT. 4.
Thomas Roper Steward
In room of Elisha Poinsett, deceased.
Samuel Wilson Senior Warden
In room of Thomas Cochran, deceased.
JAN. ;^. 1804.
Thomas Waring, Sr.. Junior Warden
In room of Thomas Roper, elected
APRILS. 1804.
Thomas Roper Steward
Samuel Wilson Senior Warden
T. Waring, Sr Junior Warden
Tobias Cambridge Treasurer
Thomas Gordon Clerk
John Maine ) ^, , , ,
C.M.Logan f Constables
APRIL 16. 1805.
Thomas Roper StcAvard
T. Waring, Sr Senior Warden
Keating Simons Junior Warden
Tobias Cambridge . . Treasurer
Thomas Gordon Clerk
gSlIEr;;.:::!- co-tables
APRIL 8. 1806.
Thomas Roper Steward
T. Waring Sr Senior Warden
John E. Poyas Junior Warden
Tobias Cambridge Treasurer
Thomas Gordon" Clerk
James H. Cambridge .... .Constable
Hext McCall Constable
MARCH 31. 1807.
Thomas Roper Steward
T. Waring, Sr Senior Warden
Joseph Verree Junior Warden
Tobias Cambridge Treasurer
Thomas Gordan Clerk
Henry W Paxton { Constables
Wdliam Yeadon )
APRIL 19. 1808.
Thomas Roper Steward
T. Waring, Sr. Senior Warden
Joseph Verree Junior Warden
Tobias Cambridge Treasurer
Thomas Gordon Clerk
Peter Trezevant Treasurer
Elected in room of Tobias Cambridge,
AP-RIL 4. 1809.
Thomas Roper Steward
T. Waring, Sr Senior Warden
Joseph Verree Junior Warden
Peter Trezevant Treasurer
Thomas Gordon Clerk
Josiah Taylor > n^^o+ vi„,
Robert Verree \ Constables
Jabob Axson Clerk
Elected in the room of Thomas Gor-
don, deceased.
APRIL 24. 1810.
Thomas Roper . Steward
T. Waring, Sr Senior Warden
Joseph Verree Junior Warden
Peter Trezevant Treasiirer
Jacob Axson Clerk
Josiah Taylor ) ^ , , ,
Robert Verree \ Constables
APRIL 16. 1811.
Thomas Roper Steward
T. Waring, Sr Senior Warden
Joseph Verree Junior Warden
Peter Trezevant Treasurer
Jacob Axson Clerk
Josiah Taylor / ^^ ^ , ,
Robert Verree [Constables
MARCH 31. 1812.
Thomas Roper Steward
T. Waring, Sr Senior Warden
Joseph Verree Junior Warden
Peter Trezevant Treasurer
Jaeob Axson Clerk
Josiah Taylor ) ., , , ,
Robert Verree \ Constables
APRIL 20. 1813.
Thomas Roper Steward
Joseph Verree Senior Warden
Adam Gilchrist Junior Warden
Peter Trezevant Treasurer
Jacob Axson Clerk
Peter X. Lafar ) ^, . ,,
James Gabeau \ Constables
j APRIL 27.
James Roddey ■ ■ } n ^ ^.^
Abraham Crouch [ <-on*tables
' In the room of P. X. Lafar and James
j Gabeau, who refused to serve.
j Henry B. Toomer. . Treasurer
In the room of Peter Trezevant.
j MARCH 12. 1814.
I Thomas Roper Steward
I Adam Gilchrist .... Senior Warden
[ Henry Peas Junior Warden
I Henry B. Toomer Treasurer
Jacob Axson Clerk
Abi'aham Crouch / ^ , , ,
Archibald Whitney.... f Constables
MARCH 38. 1815.
Th©mas Rojier Steward
Henry Deas Senior Warden
James Jervey Junior Warden
Henry B. Toomer Treasurer
Jacob Axson Clerk
Abraham Crouch } ri .. 1 1
Archibald Whitney.... [ Constables
Josiah Taylor Constable
In room of Abraham Crouch, re-
APRIL 16. 1816.
Thomas Roper Steward
James Jervey Senior Warden
D. Alexander. ...... .Junior Warden
Henry B. Toomer Treasurer
Abraham Crouch, ) /-, -,j-,ki«^
Archibald Whitney. ... K'*^"'*^^^"'
Wm. Bee Clerk
In the room of Jacob Axson, who de-
APRILS. 1817.
Tho]uas Roper Steward
James Jervey Senior Warden
D. Alexander Junior Wardeu
Henry B. Toomer Treasurer
William Bee Clerk
Abraham Crouch j_ Constables
Archibald Whitney . .. . \
MARCH 34. 1818.
Thomas Roper Steward
James Jervey Senior Warden
D. Alexander Junior Warden
Henry B. Toomer Treasurer
William Bee Clerk
Benjamin Matjiews.... | Constables
L. H. C. Schutt j
APRIL 13. 1819.
Thomas Roper Steward
James Jervey Senior Warden
D. Alexander Junior Warden
William A. Hayne Treasurer
William Bee Clerk
Richard Osborne ) r* „j^ v i
William C. Miller \ Constables
Richard Teasdale Constable
In the room of Richard Osborn, who
declined serving- and paid his ttne.
APRIL 4. 1820.
Thomas Roper Steward
James Jervey Senior Warden
D. Alexander Junior Warden
William A. Havne Treasurer
William Bee..."' Clerk
Georc'e Timmons ) ^i j. 1 1
Josei^iP. McCall \ Constables
APRIL 34. 1821.
Thomas Roper Steward
James Jervey Senior Warden
T>. Alexander Junior Warden
William A. Hayne Treasurer
William Bee Clerk
Archibald Whitney.... } n„„^..i,]p„
J. J. Darrel \ tonstables
APRIL 9. 1822.
Thomas Roper Steward
James Jervey Senior Warden
D. Alexander Junior Warden
William A. Hayne Treasurer
William Bee Clerk
Archibald Whitnev ....) n + i i
Edw. W. Bounetheau.. \ ^on.stables
APRIL 1. 1823.
Thomas Roper Steward
James Jervey Senior Warden
D. Alexander Junior Warden
William A. Hayne Treasurer
William Bee Clerk
Beekman McCall ) <-, . , ,
David B. Lafar ) Constables
APRIL 20. 1824.
Thomas Roper Steward
James Jervey Senior Warden
D. Alexander Junior Warden
William A. Hayne Treasurer
William Bee Clerk
George Timmons ) Oonst-ible'?
Edw. W. Bounetheau.. \ ^on^tables
APRIL 5. 1825.
Thomas Roper Steward
.James Jervey Senior Warden
D. Alexander Junior Warden
William A. Hayne Treasurer
William Bee Clerk
George Timmons } p,-,„„^„Kipe
Edw. W. Bounetheau.. ) '-onstaOies
MARCH 28. 1826.
Thomas Roper Steward
James Jervey Senior Warden
D. Alexander. .... .Junior Warden
William A. Hayne Treasurer
William Bee Clerk
gr-^Ji^'^H !- Constables
Edw. W. Bounetheau.. j
APRIL 17. 1827.
Thomas Roper Steward
James Jervey Senior Warden
D. Alexander Junior Warden
William A. Hayne Treasurer
Wm. Bee Clerk
George Timmons ) ^ 4^ i i
-HM \-KT Ti j-i - Constables
Edw. W. Bounetheau.. \
Edward W. Bounetheau was elected
Purveyor, under the new 19th Rule.
WilliamBWilkie....) Constables
Benjamin f. repoon.. )
In the room of George Timmons and
Edward W. Bounetheau, who resigned.
APRILS. 1828.
Thomas Roper Steward
James Jervey Senior Warden
D. Alexander Junior Warden
William A. Hayne Treasurer
William Bee Clerk
Benjamin E. repoon.. \
Edw. W. Bounetheau Purveyor
APRIL 3L 1829.
James Jervey Steward
D. Alexander Senior Warden
Henry H. Bacot. . . .Junior Warden
William A. Hayne Treasurer
William Bee Clerk
Wm. B. Wilkie { Constables
Benjamin P. repoon.. )
Edw. W. Bounetheau Purveyor
APRIL 13. 1830,
James Jervcy Steward
D. AlexandeV Senior Warden
Henry 11. Bacot Junior Warden
Wm. A. Hayne Treasurer
Wni. Bee . . ." Clerk
Wm.B.Wilkie i Constables
Benjamin F. Pepoon. . . )
Edw. W. Bounetheau Purveyor
APRILS. 1831.
James Jervey Steward
D. Alexander. Senior Warden
Henry H. Bacot. . . .Junior Warden
Wm. A. Hayne Treasurer
William Bee Clerk
WilliamB.\^^lkie....) Constables
Benjamni F. Pepoon . . )
Edw. W. Bounetheau Purveyor
APRIL 24. 1832.
James Jervey Steward
D. Alexander. Senior Warden
Henry H. Bacot Junior Warden
William A. Hayne Treasurer
Timothy McCormick Clerk
Wm.B,Wilkie Constables
Benjamni F. Pepoon.. )
Edw. W. Bounetheau Purveyor.
APRIL 9. 1833.
James Jervey Steward
D. Alexander Senior Wai'den
Charles Graves Junior Warden
Wm. A. Hayne . . .Treasurer
Timothv McCormick Clerk
Benjan{inF. Pepoon.. ^ Constables
Jeremiah i). i ates )
Edw. W. Bounetheau. . . .Purveyor
APRIL L 1834.
James Jervey Steward
D. Alexander Senior Warden
Charles Graves Junior Warden
Wm. A. Hayne Treasurer
Timothy McCormick Clerk
Jeremiah D. Yates { Constables
J5en]amin F. Pepoon. . . J
John J. Lafar Purveyor
George Timmons Constable
In the place of Benjamin F. Pepoon,
APRILS!. 1835.
James Jervey Steward
D. Alexander Senior Warden
Josiah Taylor Junior Warden
Wm. A. Hayne Treasurer
Timothy McCormick Clerk
Jeremiah D.Yates.... ) Constables
George rimmons )
John J. Lafar Purveyor
APRIL 5. 1836.
James Jervey Steward
D. Alexander Senior Warden
Josiah Taylor Junior Warden
Wm. A. Hayne Treasurer
Timothy McCormick Clerk
George^Tinimons ) Constables
Chas. R. Holmes )
John J. Lafar Purveyor
MARCH 28. 1837.
James Jervey Steward
D. Alexander Senior Wai'den
Josiah Taylor Junior Warden
Wm. A. Hayne Treasurer
Timothy McCormick Clerk
George Timmons ) ,^ ^,f,io«<,
nu Tj IT 1 ." Constables
Chas. R. Holmes )
John J. Lafar Purveyor
APRIL 17. 1838.
D. Alexander Steward
Joseph Johnson Senior Warden
J. A. Yates Junior Warden
Wm. A. Hayne Treasurer
Timothy McCormick Clerk
Chas R. Holmes j. Constables
David S. 1 ates J
John J. Lafar Purveyor
APRILS. 1839.
D. Alexander Steward
Joseph Johnson Senior Warden
J. A. Yates Junior Warden
Wm. A. Hayne Treasurer
Timothy McCormick Clerk
Chas R. flolmes } Constables
David S. Yates \
John J. Lafar Purveyor
JAN. 25. 1840.
D. Alexander Steward, died
Jossph Johnson Steward
J. A. Yates Senior Warden
R. B. Gilchrist Junior Warden
Wm. A. Hayne Treasurer
Timothy McCormick Clerk
Robert Macbeth } Constables
Edward Blake )
John J. Lafar Purveyor
APRIL 6. 1841.
Edward Blake Treasurer
In place of Wm. A. Hayno, who died
on the 14th of March.
Josepli Johnson Steward
J. A. Yates Senior Warden
R. B. Gilchrist Junior Warden
Edward BlHke Treasurer
Timotliy McConniek Clerk
Robert Macbeth j Constables
r rancis Lance \
John J. Laf ar Purveyor
JAN. 25. 1842.
G. B. Reid Clerk
In place of Timothy McCormick; who
died on the 2d.
Joseph Johnson Steward
H. W. Peronneau. . . .Senior Warden
E. P. Starr Junior Warden
Edward Blake Treasurer
-G. B. Reid Clerk
Robert Macbeth ) n-,„^^ ki^,
-cy ■ T y Constables
Erancis Lance i
John J. Lafar Purveyor
APRIL 18. 1843.
Joseph Johnson Steward
H. W. Peronneau. . .Senior Warden
E. P. Starr Junior Warden
Edward Blake Treasurer
G. B. Reid Clerk
Robert Mai-,beth { p„„„^„v,|p,
Francis Lance ^ Constables
John J, Lafar Purveyor
APRIL 9. 1844.
Joseph Johnson Steward
H. W. Peronneau .... Senior Warden
E. P. Starr Junior Warden
Edward Blake Treasurer
G. B. Reid Clerk
Robert Macbeth . } n ^ n
Francis Lance [ Constables
John J. Lafar Purveyor
MARCH 2.5. 1845.
Joseph Johnson Steward
H. W. Peronneau. . .Senior Warden
E. P. Starr Junior Warden
Edward Blake Treasurer
G. B. Reid Clerk
Wni. Miller > ^ , , ,
Francis Lance \ Constables
John J. Lafar Purveyor
APRIL 14. 1846.
Joseph Johnson Steward
H. W. Peronneau. . .Senior Warden
E. P. Starr Junior Warden
Edward Blake Treasurer
G. B, Roid Clerk
Wni. Miller ) ^ , ,,
Francis Lance j Constables
John J. Lafar Purveyor
APRIL 6. 1847.
Joseph Johnson Steward
H. W. Peronneau. . .Senior Warden
E. P. Starr Junior Warden
Edward Blake Treasurer
G. B. Reid Clerk
Henry Morris ) ^ , , ,
Francis Lance \ Constables
John J. Lafar Purveyor
APRIL 35. 1848.
Joseph Johnson Steward
H. W. Peronneau. . .Senior Warden
E. P. Starr Junior Warden
Edward Blake Treasurer
G. B. Reid Clerk
Henry Morris ) ^ , , ,
Francis Lance \ Constables
John J. Lafar Purveyor
APRIL 10. 1849.
Joseph Johnson Steward
H. W. Peronneau. . .Senior Warden
E. P. Starr Junior Warden
Edward Blake Treasurer
G. B. Reid Clerk
Henry Morris { n„,,„.„u,„„
Francis Lance ) Constables
R. Anderson Keeper of Hall
APRIL 2. 1850.
Joseph Johnson Steward
H. W. Peronneou. ...Senior Warden
E. P. Starr Junior Warden
Edward Blake Treasurer
G. B. Reid Clerk
Francis Lance } ri^,,^f„ui^„
T3 o r> Til, -4- 1 r Constables
R. S. R. Chreitzberg. . )
R. Anderson Keeper of Hall
APRIL 23. 1851.
Joseph Johnson Steward
H. W. Peronneau.. ..Senior Warden
E. P. Starr Junior Warden
Edward Blake Treasurer
G. B. Reid Clerk
Francis Lance } Constables
R. S. R. Chreitzberg. . j
R. Anderson Keeper of Hall
APRIL 13. 1852.
Joseph Johnson Steward
H. W. Peronneau . . . Senior Warden
E. P. Starr Junior Warden
Edward Blake Treasurer
G. B. Reid Clerk
Francis Lance j. Constables
R. S. R. Chreitzberg . . \
R. Anderson Keeper of Hall
MARCH 29. 1853.
Joseph Johnson Steward
H. W. Peronneau, . . . Senior Warden
E. P. Starr ... Junior Warden
E. Blake Treasurer
George B. Reid Clerk
R. Anderson Keeper of Hall
?• J;,^«f^"* !- Constables
R. Chreitzberg j
APRIL 18. 1854.
Joseph Johnson Steward
H. W. Peronneau. . .Senior Warden
E. P. Starr Junior Warden
E. Blake Treasurer
George B. Reid Clerk
R. Anderson Keeper of Hall
P. J Barbot j. Constables
R. Chreitzberg )
APRIL 10. 1855.
Joseph Johnson Steward
H. W. Peronneau.. .Senior Warden
E. P. Starr Junior Warden
*A. H. Mazyck Treasurer
George B. Reid Clerk
R. Anderson. ...... .Keeper of Hall
P.J Barbot j_ Constables
R. Chreitzberg )
*In place of B. Blake, deceased.
MARCH 25. 1856.
Joseph Johnson Steward
H. W. Peronneau. . . Senior Warden
*J. Cheesborough. . . .Junior Warden
A. H. Mazyck. r Treasurer
George B. Reid Clerk
R. Anderson Keeper of Hall
P. J Barbot j. Constables
R. Chreitzberg )
•Elected 22d April, in place of E. P.
Starr, deceased.
APRIL 14. 1857.
Joseph Johnson Steward
H. W. Peronneau .... Senior Warden
J. Clieesborough. . . . Junior Warden
A. H. Mazyck Treasurer
George B.' Reid Clerk
R. Anderson Keeper of Hall
P. J . Barbot ) rt j. ui
117- AT \\T\ - Constables
W. M. Wilson ...... j
APRIL 6. 1858.
Joseph Johnson Steward
H. W. Peronneau. . ..Senior Warden
J. Cheesborough. . . .Junior Warden
A. H. Mazyck Treasurer
George B. Reid Clerk
R. Anderson Keeper of Hall
F. Lance ) ^ , , ,
^TT Txr -IT7--1 - Constables
W. M. Wilson \
H. W. Peronneau resig-ned as Senior
Warden on the 38th September, 1858.
APRIL 26. 1859.
Joseph Johnson Steward
J. Cheesborough Senior Warden
W. D. Porter Junior Warden
A. H. Mazyck Treasurer
George B. Reid Clerk
R. Anderson Keeper of Hall
w -^r^^A^-i !- Constables
W. M. Wilson \
APRIL 10. 1860.
Joseph Johnson Steward
J. Cheesborough Senior Warden
W. D. Porter Junior Wtu'den
A. H. Mazyck Treasurer
George B. Reid Clerk
R. Anderson Keeper of Hall
^^^°^,^;.-, \ Constables
W. M. Wilson )
APRIL 3. 1861.
Joseph Johnson Steward
J. Cheesborough. . . .Senior Warden
W. D. Porter Junior Warden
A. H. Mazyck Treasurer
*W. J. Lesesne Clerk
f J. P. Bee Keeper of Hall
w ^<.r" w-i !- Constables
W. M. Wilson \
*In place of George B. Reid, who de-
clined re-election.
+In place of R. Anderson, deceased.
APRIL 22. 1862.
Joseph Johnson Steward
J. Cheesborough Senior Warden.
W". D. Porter Jixnior Warden
A. H. Mazyck Treasurer
W. J. Lesesne Clerk
J. P. Bee Keeper of Hall
F. Lance } r^ j. v i
W.M.Wilson ^- Constables
APRIL 7. 1863.
*W. D. Porter Steward
J. Cheesborongh. .. .Senior Warden
Robert R. Bee Junior Warden
A. H. Mazyck Treasurer
W. J. Lesesne Clerk
J. P. Bee Keeper of Hall
^•S-i?'!?^ !• Constables
J. D. Miller )
*In place of Joseph Johnson, deceased.
MARCH 29. 1864.
W. D. Porter Steward
J. Cheesborongh Senior Warden
Robert R. Bee Junior Warden
A. H. Mazyck Treasurer
W. J. Lesesne Clerk
J. P. Bee . .Keeper of Hall
DEC. 12. 1865.
W. D. Porter Steward
J. Cheesborongh Senior Warden
*Charles iNfaebeth. . . .Junior Warden
-f-Evan Edwards Treasurer
:t:F. Lance Clerk
J J. D. Miller Keeper of Hall
Le^e Howard } Constables
J. C. Jervey \
*In place of R. R. Bee, killed.
+In place of A. H. Mazyck, resig-ned.
$In place of W. J. Lesesne, resigned.
Illn place of J. P. Bee, deceased.
APRILS. 1866.
W. D. Porter Steward
*Charles Macbeth .... Senior Warden
P. C. Gaillard Junior Warden
Evan Edwards Treasurer
F. Lance Clerk
J. D. Miller Keeper of Hall
Lee Howard j. Constables
J. C. Jervey ^
*In place of J. Cheesborongh, re-
APRIL 23. 1867.
W. D. Porter Steward
Charles Macbeth Senior Warden
P. C. Gaiilard Junior Warden
Evan Eilwards Treasurer
F. Lance Clerk
J. D. Miller Keeper of Hall
Lee Howard ) ^, ,,
J. C. Jervey \ Constables
APRIL 14. 1868.
W. D. Porter Steward
*P. C. Gaillard Sem'or Warden
L W. Hayne Junior Warden
Evan Edwards Treasurer
P. Lance Clerk
J. D. Miller Keeper of Hall
Lee Howai-d ) ^, , , ,
J. C. Jervey \ Constables
*In place of Charles Macbeth, resigned.
MARCH 30. 1869.
W. D. Porter Steward
P. C. Gaillard Senior Warden
L W. Hayne Junior Warden
Evan Edwards Treasurer
P. Lance Clerk
J. D. Miller Keeper of Hall
Lee Howard } f, , , ,
J. C. Jervey [ Constables
APRIL 19. 1870.
W. D. Porter Steward
P. C. Gaillard Senior Warden
I. W. Hayne Junior Warden
Evan Edwards Treasurer
*T. M. Hasell Clerk
fH. M. Tovey Keeper of Hall
Lee Howard ) -^ , , ,
J. C. Jervey \ Con.stables
*In place of F. Lance, resigned.
+In place of J. D. Miller, deceased.
APRIL n. 1871.
Wm. D. Porter Steward
P. C. Gaillard Senior Warden
L W. Hayne .Junior Warden
Evan Edwards Treasurer
T. M. Hasell Clerk
H. M. Tovey Keeper of Hall
Lee Howard } Constables
J. C. Jervey )
APRIL 2. 1872.
Win. D. Porter Steward
P. C. Gaillard Senior Warden
L W. Hayne Junior Warden
Evan Edwards Treasurer
T. M. Hasell Clerk
H. M. Tovey Keeper of Hall
Lee Howard } Constables
J. C. Jervey )
APRIL 15. 1873.
W. D. Porter Steward
P. C. Gaillard Senior Warden
I. W. Hayne Junior Warden
Evan Edwards Treasurer
T. M. Hasell Clerk
H. M. Tovey Keeper of Hall
J. C. Jervey } r^ ^ i i
A.G. WhitW \ Constables
APRIL 7. 1874.
W. D. Porter Steward
P. C. Gaillard Senior Warden
I. W. Hayne Junior Wai'den
Evan Edwards Treasurer
T. M. Hasell Clerk
H. M. Tovey Keeper of Hall
a' a Tin •/ 1 Constables
A. G. Whitney \
MARCH 30. 1875.
W. D. Porter Steward
I. W. Hayne Senior Warden
J. Ford Prioleau, M. D.,
Junior Warden
Evan Edwards Treasurer
P. C. Gaillard Clerk
James C. Jervey Keeper of Hall
A. G. Whitney | ^ , , ,
H.M. Tovey.: ...i Constables
APRIL 18. 1876.
W. D. Porter Steward
I. W. Hayne Senior Warden
J. Ford Prioleau, M. D..
Junior Warden
Evan Edwards Treasurer
P. C. Galliard Clerk
James C. Jervey Keeper of Hall
H.M. Tovey ) ^, , , ,
Wm. H. Prioleau,M. D. \ Constables
APRIL 3. 1877.
W. D. Porter Steward
I. W. Hayne Senior Warden
J. Ford Prioleau, M. D.,
Junior Warden
Evan Edwards Treasiu-er
P. C. Gaillard Clerk
James C. Jervey Keeper of Hall
H. M. Tovey / ^ ^ , ,
Wm.H.Pri-oleau,M.D. } Constables
APRIL 23. 1878.
W. D. Porter Steward
J. Ford Prioleau, M. D.,
Senior Warden
P. C. Gaillard. Junior Wardem
Evan Edwards Treasurer
Wm. Ed. Hayne Clerk
James C. Jervev . . . .Keeper of Hall
H. M. Tovev. . ." } n f 1 1
Wm. H. Prioleau, M. D. \ Constable*
APRIL 15. 1879.
W. D. Porter Steward
J. Ford Prioleau, M. D.,
, . . . . Senior Warden
P. C. Gaillard Junior Warden:
Evan Edwards Treasurer
Wm. Ed. Hayne Clerk
James C. Jervey Keeper of Hall
H. M. Tovev ; p , , ,
Wm. H. Prioleau, M. D. )' ^onstaoies
MARCH 30. 1880.
W. D. Porter Steward
J. Ford Prioleau, M. D..
Senior Warden
P. C. Gaillard Junior Warden
Evan Edwards Treasurer
Wm. Ed. Hayne Clerk
James C. Jervey Keeper of Hall
H.M. Tovey } Constables
Wm. H. Prioleau, M. D. \ <^ "notables
APRIL 19. 1881.
J. Ford Prioleau, M. D Steward
P. C. Gaillard Senior Warden
R. S. R. Chreitzberg. Junior Warden
Evan P]dwards Treasurer
Wm. Ed. Hayne Clerk
James C. Jervey Keeper of Hall
H. M. Tovev } ., . , ,
Wm. H. Prioleau,M. D. )' "-onstaoies
APRIL n. 1882.
J. Ford Prioleau, M. D Steward
P. C. Gaillard. .... .Senior Warden
R. S. R. Chreitzberg. Junior Warden
Evan Edwards Treasurer
Wm. Ed. Hayne Clerk
James C. Jervey Keeper of Hall
S'Ta pSe^;.V.V: !• Co-^table.
APRIL 37. 1883.
J. Ford Prioleau, M. D Steward
R. S. R. Chreitzberg. Senior Warden
Wm. H. Prioleau, M.D.,
Junior Warden
Evan Edwards Treasurer
Wm. Ed. Hayne Clerk
James C. Jervey Keeper of Hall
Henry M.Tovey ) Constables
Henry F. Faber \
William Bennison Porter, a member
of this society, died January 4th, 1883,
in the 73d year of his age, and the 43d
year of his membership.
Elected a member March 24th, 1840.
Elected a Junior Warden, April 26th,
Elected Steward April 7th, 1863.
Resiffned his Stewardship, and elected
life member April 19th, 1881.
APRIL 15. 1884.
J. Ford Prioleau, M. D Steward
R. S. R. Chreitzberg. Senior Warden
Wm. H. Prioleau, M. D.,
Junior Warden
Evan Edwards Treasurer
Wm. Ed. Hayne Clerk
James C. Jervey Keeper of Hall
Henry M, Tovey } Constables
Henry F. Faber J Constables
APRIL 7. 1885.
J. Ford Prioleau, M. D. . . .Steward
R. S. R. Chreitzberg. Senior Warden
Wni. H. Prioleau, M, D.,
Junior Warden
Evan Edwards Treasurer
Wm. Ed. Hayne Clerk
James C. Jervey Keeper of Hall
Henry M. Tovey ) r^ 4^ \^
Henry F.Faber^ \ Constables
APRIL 27. 1886.
J. Ford Prioleau, M. D Steward
Daniel G. Wayne. . ..Senior Warden
Wm. H. Prioleau, M.D.,
Junior Warden
Evan Edwards. . . , Treasurer
Wm. Ed. Hayne Clerk
James C. Jervey Keeper of Hall
Henry M.Tovey ) Constables
Henry F. Faber J
APRIL 12. 1887.
J. Ford Prioleau, M. D Steward
Wm. H. Prioleau, M. D.,
Senior Warden
A. M. Lee Junior Warden
Evan Edwards ... Treasurer
Wm. Ed. Hayne Clerk
James C Jervey Keeper of Hall
Henry F. Faber, { Constables
N. M. Porter \
APRIL 3. 1888.
J. Ford Prioleau, M. D Steward
Wm. H. Prioleau, M. D.,
Senior Wai'den
A. M. Lee .Junior Warden
Evan Edwards Treasurer
Wm. Ed. Hayne Clerk
James C. Jervey Keeper of Hall
Henry F. Faber '.Constables
N. M. Port«r ^
MAY 8.
*Wm. H. Prioleau Steward
f A. M. Lee Senior Warden
j:Julius A. Blake. . . Junior Warden
*In place of J. Ford Prioleau, M. D.,
tin place of W. H. Prioleau, elected
.fin place of A. M. Lee, elected Senior
APRIL 23. 1889.
Wm. H. Prioleau, M. D Steward
A. M. Lee Senior Warden
Julius A. Blake. . . .Junior Warden
Evan Edwards Treasurer
Wm. Ed. Hayne ^ Clerk
James C. Jervey Keeper of Hall
Henry F. Faber ) Constables
N. M. Porter f J^onstables
< . . i /?
fi'^'V •■■(.,